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Сообщения - Yaaroo

Hey manyoc
You wrote that most components have "blank layer". Since I want to translate game, it would be super useful. However, I found only jpg and tif files on mega. And none of that format support layers (as far as I know)...

Could you please share again files without any text ?
[ENG] PnP / Re: Panamax [PnP] [redesign]
31 мая 2021, 11:51:41
You're right. They were missing. Please find tokens2.pdf uploaded. In case you find anything else missing please let me know.
I also add Polish files and few source files that I found.
Цитата: nicodelius666 от 17 марта 2021, 08:51:49
Many thanks!
Please find link to replicators expansion scans in the first post

Post Merge: 17 марта 2021, 14:41:12

Цитата: starnas от 17 марта 2021, 10:55:43

Great job - are you considering maybe making a hq PnP of Talon as next step?
I made my own PnP but its from the Vassal module, which has ship counters in low quality :(
I'm deep into 18xx games atm. So not anytime soon. :)
I'll try to find time to look into this cards
[ENG] PnP / 1865 Sardinia [PNP] [18xx] [EN] [redesign]
14 марта 2021, 16:08:36
Primary Name: 1865 Sardinia
Year Released: 2011
Designer:  Alessandro Lala
Categories: Economic, Trains, Transportation
Mechanisms: Auction/Bidding, Network and Route Building, Stock Holding, Tile Placement

Another full game redesign I made.

Files available at:
[ENG] PnP / Re: 18MEX [PNP] [18xx] [EN] [redesign]
04 марта 2021, 10:13:18
tvmwfn thank you for the kind words :)
It was my main goal to make it less eyesore yet still easy to read. I'm not a big fan of "excel ascetics" :D

Anyway the typo is fixed. Thanks for the report.

[ENG] PnP / 18MEX [PNP] [18xx] [EN] [redesign]
02 марта 2021, 18:15:41
Primary Name: 18MEX
Year Released: 2011
Designer: Mark Derrick
Categories: Economic, Trains, Transportation,
Mechanisms: Hexagon Grid, Network and Route Building, Stock Holding, Tile Placement

Another full game redesign I made.

Files available at:

[ENG] PnP / Re: Harzbahn 1873
04 февраля 2021, 13:44:34
- tiles updated and rescaled to 37mm, so they fit board hexes more easily
[ENG] PnP / Re: Harzbahn 1873
02 февраля 2021, 15:10:41
- board
- tokens
- mine certs

+ polish rules translation
[ENG] PnP / Harzbahn 1873 [PNP] [18xx] [EN] [redesign]
16 января 2021, 19:15:01
Primary Name: Harzbahn 1873
Year Released: 2011
Designer: Klaus Kiermeier
Categories: Economic, Industry / Manufacturing, Trains, Transportation
Mechanisms: Auction/Bidding, Network and Route Building, Stock Holding, Tile Placement

Another full game redesign I made.

Files available at MEGA:

- corrected tile 8866 number
[ENG] PnP / Re: 1880: China [PNP] [18xx] [EN] [redesign]
18 ноября 2020, 12:59:13
Some files were updated to reflect found mistakes.
Please report any other found.
[ENG] PnP / Re: 1880: China
13 ноября 2020, 11:31:22
Damn. I did not notice that in the rule book. :)
So 6 of each is fine imho...
[ENG] PnP / 1880: China [PNP] [18xx] [EN] [PL] [redesign]
10 ноября 2020, 23:45:08
Primary Name: 1880: China
Year Released 2010
Designers: Helmut Ohley, Leonhard "Lonny" Orgler
Categories: Economic, Trains
Mechanisms: Auction/Bidding, Network and Route Building, Stock Holding, Tile Placement

Another full game redesign I made. Mostly on starnas request. :)

Files available at MEGA:

[ENG] PnP / Re: 1860: Railways on the Isle of Wight
10 ноября 2020, 12:52:13
Hi starnas. Do you know by any chance what is a proper number of permits in 1880? I know there is 60 of them in total but how they are distributed among phases is unknown 4 me...


[ENG] PnP / Re: 1860: Railways on the Isle of Wight
09 ноября 2020, 10:56:50
Цитата: starnas от 27 октября 2020, 13:09:40
Of course :)
No pressure, i've seen rumours about lookoutSpiele considering a reprint, but nothing concrete atm.
1880 is almost ready.... :P
[ENG] PnP / Re: 1860: Railways on the Isle of Wight
26 октября 2020, 14:52:13
Цитата: starnas от 26 октября 2020, 12:43:28

I have made most of what i wanted using the 18xx maker. I was looking at 1880 as my next project.

I'll check 1880 and if I like I might do it... :)

You meant 1880: China, of course?
I also did 1817 (posted here) and probably I will do few others in a future. Are you looking for any specific title?

Primary Name:  1860: Railways on the Isle of Wight
Year Released: 2004
Designers: Mike Hutton
Categories: Economic, Trains, Transportation
Mechanisms: Auction/Bidding, Network and Route Building, Stock Holding, Tile Placement
Series: 18xx

Full game redesign in modified Carthaginian 18xx games style.

Files available at MEGA:

- expansion included
- corrected yellow B tile price