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Сообщения - ekymoze

The links for the 2 files are dead. Anyone can reupload this, please ?
Thank you in advance.
Цитата: zombiedork от 17 января 2014, 20:48:55
Eldritch Horror - PROJECT COMPLETED!
страничка на bgg         http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/146021/eldritch-horror
страничка на тесере     http://tesera.ru/game/Eldritch_Horror/

All the scans were made by Zerrr :D Awesome work !!

Board (in A4): https://mega.co.nz/#!6ZZBFQoS!tXU_3M-NUBte5syf7H4ceI7Y6-SepylvliC6dvUx2Hc (Awesome job by bb_costa!)
z0z1ch: Собрал и почистил (от сгибов и разрывов) игровое поле — клац.
All the Cards & Tokens in one file WITH BACKS(369mb): https://mega.co.nz/#!KdogVJaT!5OANJpxdbcgBapqGfoZ8Lesh_erMllzo3xIM7AaDUe4 (Awesome job by bb_costa!)

All the images have been color enhanced :D No backs yet but I named each ancient one clue cards so they are easy to find.

(Spasiba Zerrr for the scans and bb_costa for the assistance!!)

In first, thank you so much for all works of scan, clean and share all files of this post !
But all mega links of this message are dead. Could you re-upload this files, please ?
Thank in advance
Thank you so much Ashara for the french version !
just out of curiosity, do you reminder on what website you found these files ?
Цитата: Ashara от 17 октября 2015, 01:15:16

I had access to the scans for these game, but they were in French... I've cleaned the cards and put on the english text (as well as portuguese text since I'm brazilian). It was the first time that I work with the softwares for cleaning and mounting up the cards, so I dont know if it ended as good as possible. But its good enough for me...

In the link there are all the cards separeted with a multiplier showing how many copies should be done; the tokens and boards were transformed from round to poligonal style.
Feel free to do any changes or ask for them, I will do what I can.


Could you share the scans for the french version of this game ? Thank you in advance