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Сообщения - 24kaf912hksdf

Does anyone have scans/PnP of these Place tiles?

Orléans: Neue Ortskarten N°5 (2017)
Road, Ballroom, Church
Orléans: Promo Ortskarten N°1 (2017)
Orléans: Promo Ortskarten N°2 (2018)
Cathedral, Statue
Orléans: Promo Ortskarten N°3 (2020)
Episcopal See of Tours, Gaming Room
2nd edition version of The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine (2nd Edition)


Цитата: I_got_the_mods от 18 апреля 2020, 10:33:24
I got you guys.


I would be awesome to get scans of the Screens, Money Tokens and Hammer. It's such beautiful game!