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Просмотр сообщенийЦитата: csfeher от 08 декабря 2016, 15:20:54
Quiz book (not my upload, just found it):
Quiz book is named "Libro de Interrogatorio" (it's in English, don't be fooled by the file names).
More fan-made cases and other stuff are also in the directory.
Oh, and if anyone wants a nice and color Rules booklet:
Have fun!
Цитата: simon morley от 07 декабря 2016, 18:42:45Цитата: petete2 от 02 декабря 2016, 15:27:12Thank you! But... quiz book is absent in your files! Why? Can you upload it too?
This is the classic base.
It would be great if somebody could share the expansions (Mansion Murders)
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