Ссылку невозможно скачать. Есть ли у кого-нибудь еще ссылка? Спасибо
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Просмотр сообщенийЦитата: pAnAp от 28 декабря 2016, 11:38:06tk demo differs, in the archives files:
-screens of event cards, targets, factories, a nation's tablet-a
few files from the demos (map, player's tablet, build bonus (edited), + file with off-line transfer)
http://rgho.st /6rlTgWSNr
it would be great to arrange everything in PNP ...
Цитата: mr. Zombi от 25 июля 2015, 18:47:08
Really interested in doing pnp of Cyclades+Titans
Цитата: csfeher от 25 мая 2017, 11:16:25Thanks you very much!
The tiles/cards/other printable items are here:
Meeples are to be made somehow (e.g. replace with cubes).
Sorry, no back scans. That's all I have.
Цитата: nglam от 10 мая 2017, 08:11:24up, who have? share with me, plz
Please share with me PnP-file Five Tribes [ENG].
Thank you very much!
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