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For renaming file, change name (and do other staff to file name), Ant Renamer is also a solution.
It's a free program
Thank you very much everyone for your help!!  :)
Without it, I cannot find this by myself.
Hi Dimon_II, thank for the software.

I test it too, it's the same as Assets Bundle Extractor. I can view only some images but not all.

I also extract the manifest file with AssetStudio. Inside the manifest file, I found reference to the missing cards
For example
{"elementId":1951039,"publicElementId":1406114,"elementName":"RE Nikolai Zinoviev","elementType":"Cards","elementForm":"Unknown","preview":{"resource":{"id":"Image3103706","type":"Separated","content":"Image"},"height":750,"width":1050},"representation":"FlatReconstruction","atlases":[{"height":4096,"width":4096,"resource":{"id":"Image_0_Atlas","type":"Separated","content":"Texture"},

So, the file seems to have the images, but there is an access problem.

Here, the images I can extract. It's working.

Here, the kind of images, I would like to extract (not working).

Here, the manifest file line.

Hi Wil_low, thank you for your help  :D

You will find the file here

Inside the archive, there are:
- Original Tabletopia, the 2 files from Tabletopia,
- unpack, file from AssetsBundleExtractor_2.2stabled_32bit,
- ExportCAB, file 1 from unpack,
- ExportCABressource, file 2 from unpack.

The game is the Resident Evil 3 demo

I hope this could help.
Hi Hickname, thank you very much for your help  :).

As you said, I downloaded Assets Bundle Extractor.

Now, I can unpack the file using Assets Bundle Extractor.

Using Assets Bundle Extractor, I am able to extract some images. However, some images are not extracted like the cards (using Assets Bundle Extractor). I assume they are pack with some 3D models.

So, I tried to use the tabletopia_cutter.pl

I use Windows (doesn't seems to work).
So, I use Ubuntu (version 20.04).

I install the following packages
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y libjson-perl
sudo apt-get install -y p7zip-full
sudo apt-get install -y graphicsmagick

Installation goes well.
I restart the OS.

Now, using the script, I have this message
"Manifest not found at tabletopia_cutter.pl line 58"

I try the script with 3 files:
- the first file directly unpack from Assets Bundle Extractor (24 mb)
- one export from Assets Bundle Extractor (22 mb)
- a second export from Assets Bundle Extractor (2 mb)

So, I don't know why the manifest file is not created. Could you give me some advice?
Hi, I try to extract the asset from this game


I have install the steam client and find the game data file here


There is 2 files by game:

data is not unzipable (I try with 7zip 19.00)

Then, I try the scrip tabletopia_cutter.pl (but on Windows) and with strawberry-perl-

I have the error "Manifest not found"

Could someone help me ? Thank you  :)