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Сообщения - lastsaves

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Does anyone have scans of English version, please?

I know about this one, but cannot speak French :(
But thanks anyway!

Also uploaded LE_Alien_Expansion_clean.zip for those who wants to translate
Any chance, having also the English version of Prometheus Expansion?
I found one in BGG, but it does not have the same layout as your Russian version (the shaded area where the text is).
It seems like a minor difference, but in terms of design, it is huge!

LE_Alien_Expansion_EN.pdf has been uploaded into the same Mega folder. Enjoy!
Thanks a lot!

Anyone having scans of Mountains of Madness (2017)?

I made russian version from TTS module, so source images are not very crisp.

They look fine to me. Is it possible to upload it?

Does anyone have the English version of the Expansion?
Thanks a lot in advance!

Основной раздел PnP | General board of PnP / Arkham Horror: The Card Game PNP RUS
« : 26 Февраль 2018, 00:15:53 »
Hi, Is there an english version somewhere in this 63 pages? :o
Hi, Is there an english version somewhere in this 63 pages? :o
Bullshit, there are links to both PDFs and databases with scanned cards in English.
Try to look from page 53+

Книга жалоб и предложений / Search not working?
« : 04 Сентябрь 2017, 07:53:50 »
Thanks a lot!

Hi, anyone having scan of this?
Thanks in advance.

Книга жалоб и предложений / Search not working?
« : 03 Сентябрь 2017, 17:56:38 »
Hello everyone,

everytime I try to use search, I end up with this error.
Fatal error: 'continue' not in the 'loop' or 'switch' context in /var/www/boardgamer/data/www/boardgamer.ru/forum/Sources/SearchAPI-Custom.php on line 112
Any help appreciated.

СКАНЫ для PnP ищу/отдаю, ищу PnP | Requests for SCANS, PnP / Long Live the King REQUESTENG SCAN
« : 03 Сентябрь 2017, 17:52:55 »
Hello everybody,

is anyone able to provide English scans for Long Live the King?

Any help appreciated.

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