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Сообщения - sushiwarrior

[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Re: PnP-Request
08 февраля 2019, 14:48:39
Is there a PnP for Arcane Academy (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/144734/arcane-academy)?

[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / PnP-Request
29 января 2018, 19:33:11
Hi, I'm looking for PnP of Eminent Domain and its expansions.

I would really appreciate it! Thanks!
Hey everyone. Resident of California here :). For a long time I have been a fan of table top gaming (me and my friends used to play MtG back in high school, and then play Bang! every time we meet up back in college), but I mostly stuck with the same small selection of games I was familiar with. I didn't really start to broaden my view on board gaming until about two years ago, when my friend convinced me to try Pandemic: Legacy. From then on, I just went crazy and I've wanted to play and try so many new games. I scoured kickstarter for a while...jumped on the hype train of CMON games like Massive Darkness, or the big baddies like Kingdom Death Monsters...but unfortunately those games are mostly out of my budget, but that didn't stopped me from wanting to play them. What did stop me was the realization that I don't have a dedicated group to play with. (I know, I could probably start by going to a local game store or something, but I'm awfully shy actually). Now I'm finding myself more attracted to "noob friendly" games, or games that appeal to the casual players, as those will actually have a higher likelihood of getting played.

So in short:
Example of games that I'd like to play (assuming there is an appropriate group to play with, and that I can afford it): Kingdom Death Monsters, Gloomhaven, Massive Darkness, Arcadia Quest, Zombicide, etc.

Games I currently own and enjoy: Settlers of Catan, Resistance: Avalon
I also have: Stone Age, 7 Wonders, & Blood Rage, but they don't get any play now sadly.
Games I am eyeing for: Sheriff of Nottingham (I found it on this site - thank you VioletMoon!! - now I just need to figure out how to actually make a playing set that looks good), Welcome to the Dungeon, Agricola (or Caverna; but AFAIK these games are not noob friendly, so this one isn't too high on my list). I also want to try some dice themed game, like the recently kickstarted game, Dice Hospital.
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / PnP-Request
23 ноября 2017, 18:51:28
Hello guys, I'm new here! I am looking for English PnP of "Welcome to the Dungeon" and it's expansion, "Welcome back to the Dungeon".

I have found decently made versions in RUS (probably from this site - I don't remember - and since I can't use the search function for some reasons, I re-uploaded them):
Welcome to the Dungeon
Welcome Back to the Dungeon

The problem is, I can't read RUS and I have really bad image editing skills...Can someone help me translate and make the two files compatible (standardize their sizes, etc) so I can mix cards from both games together?

I apologize if this should have been in a different thread (for translation), but it seems to fit here as well.

I also would like to second (third?) the previous request for the Sheriff of Nottingham expansion - Merry Men. Again, preferably it will be in the same format (size) as the base game PnP that is already available here?