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Сообщения - Ragner8

can you recrete the links?

Post Merge: 27 декабря 2021, 19:54:48

Цитата: Bender от 02 апреля 2020, 15:19:53
Great, it seems right what I was looking for. I start with the work (a lot... As I see...). I will post the final result as soon as I will have finished it.

Thank you again!
hi. Did you do the pnp?
Цитата: elbourrinos от 02 сентября 2021, 18:51:44
sorry i don't understand what you want ?
Hi, I was asking for the last expansion. Sunken cost. If you will make it pnp
anything about the expansion?
Hi. doest anybody have the tts for expansion or the pnp?
Do you guys have the pnp in english?
hi. anyone has the expansion?
Hi. Anybody found the new one? Century a new world?