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Сообщения - msst08

Hi, I'm looking for this game:

It should be easy to do a PnP with the scans
Thank you very much! It's my favorite game!

Can I have the board and the cards with English names? I would appreciate it!! Thanks again!
I know it has already been asked, but I try once again: Any chance to have an English version?
Hi everyone. Do you know if there is a PnP version of this new game by Uwe Rosenberg?


It's should be easy to print and play.
Hi everyone, I'm looking for scans or pnp for this game

It would be awesome if someone had scans or PnP of Paperback in italian language!
Thank you everyone for your work.

Is there an available psd or editable file? I would like to translate the game in my language.
I tried to search for it but I didn't find any topic. Thank you very much!
Exactly! You are the best!