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Сообщения - ibiliss

Can someone make it easier to simply duplex print? I can't tell which front belongs to which back.
The requested URL was not found on this server. That's all we know.
Great game by Richard Garfield.

I've got the files from TTS and categorized it, I hope someone prepares a print ready pnp.

2030 is too close now, we need a totally new map with new countries and name it maybe imperial 2150 :)
updated, please kindly make mirrors :)
I borrowed the game from a friend, borrowed a scanner from another friend, cleaned up the scanned images with Topaz DeNoise, then cropped each card one by one and made this pnp with enough bleed to print and cut beautifully.

Paper size: SA3 (33x48)

Enjoy: https://uploadrar.com/iz34gcbicjni

BGG: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/156129/deception-murder-hong-kong
You'll need some diaomonds in addition to the tokens.
Grab it fast: https://we.tl/t-tGi6nvbm1L
Got them from tabletopia, maybe a comrade would prepare for us to print :)
Достал из tabletopia, может друг подготовит нас к печати :)

This game is on boardgamearena.com but I don't know if the assets can be downloaded like tabletopia. Can someone help?

Thanks in advance.

Цитата: KoTdeSigN от 06 июля 2020, 01:48:47
By the way, you can play the game online: https://tabletopia.com/games/rurik   ;)

It says "demo", does that mean it isn't the full version that is on tabletopia?
I also don't really like "online" board gaming, this is why I create PnP of a game even it has an online version on TTS :)
Цитата: Soldier_TODD от 04 июля 2020, 07:39:09
I did not know that foreigners are interested in history and games about ancient Russia. :)

Ripped it from TTS: https://yadi.sk/d/3IdS00M49bMJpw

Hope someone can make a nice PnP out of it.  :)
Цитата: Violet Moon от 22 мая 2020, 19:47:16
Hi buddies

I have this which I think is from the original thechordmaster upload. So all credit to him.

Saint Petersburg PnP

Wow, man, this looks great! Thank you for sharing!
I think the board is printed on a A3 page and the cards on A4 :)