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Сообщения - saruman9

Thank you! It is a great job! Additional thanks for using GIMP (and Linux).

I have some questions. Could you answer them?
1. How do you export and put together tokens? Are you using scripts?
2. You created rectangle tokens. So you haven't had any trouble with them? It is better solution?
3. Noob question. How can I change outer glow for text after translation with minimum cost?
4. Why are you created two boards (for 3 and 4 players), but not one board with dashed lines?

Thank you.
Цитата: sufir от 09 февраля 2018, 20:51:40
Новый заход. Готовы все тексты, практически все почищено. Нужен тот кто умеет в InDesign.

А можете поделиться? Я по возможности сверстаю.