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Сообщения - daishinaga

I created this PNP a while back, but it does includes all Expansion Packs!

Iron Helm PNP

Updated my Expansion list.


It now includes the Consul Dirigens Deck, which completed the miniature set cards in an official way. So if you download all the the Expansion Decks you will have every card for the base game (excluding base game cards). Also includes the PARENT CARDS Mini Expansion.

Here is a PNP of Star Wars Jabba's Palace - A Love Letter Game.

I have also included the rulebook.

Star Wars Jabba's Palace - A Love Letter Game

Hope you enjoy.
I have the game. I will see about getting it scanned as soon as I can.
Massive link update for all the stuff I have. All the links should be updated with newer links so you shouldn't need to request them anymore from me. I might reformat the older files to a PDF format so the quality remains but the file size is smaller. Also added in the Changelings Expansion

I have updated the Artifex & Bubulcus Decks since it was requested. I put them in a PDF format, so as to retain the quality, but keep the file size down.

Also the Dulcinaria Deck is coming soon.

Now we just need the main game link updated.
Цитата: Exiletiger от 20 февраля 2021, 13:53:35
English cards : https://disk.yandex.com.tr/d/BdcVr1qKDGpQAQ?w=1 . Needs to be seperated
Thank you, but I already have those. Those are for the base game.

I was asking for the cards Hunter04ek pieced together so I could make English versions of them. Hoping for clean cards to make English version of them.
Цитата: Hunter04ek от 19 февраля 2021, 23:33:54
я рубашки тоже по новой собирал, сделал чтобы все края совпадали друг с другом, в итоге получился один безшованый фон, запас будет около 4мм под смещение с каждой стороны.

все планшеты карт сегодня закончил, завтра все соберу, выложу пнп и покарточно.
sorry, no, I don't have it. there's no original materials for it around. I had to piece it together from separate art and text were translated and made anew from multiple images\videos.
Any chance of getting blanks of the cards so I can make English versions? I also created a bunch of the new sheet layouts. I will get them posted this weekend.
Цитата: Hunter04ek от 18 февраля 2021, 16:52:18
могу уже поделиться своей версией, пытался собрать подобие Collector's Edition с кикстартера,
просто она еще не полностью готова, но уже играбельна, в основном еще нужны карты для рисования из дополнений.

в чем отличие и что туда входит.
- первое, не понравился шрифт в локализации, решил попробовать сделать кириллицу для оригинального,
- второе, не понравился стиль промо набора "умений", эта красная заливка сбоку выглядит как фанатское дополнение,
сделал их вертикальными как и остальные карты и как они выглядят в Roll Player.

в наборе уже есть:
- вся база,
- промо 4 засады
- промо 8 умений набор 1
- промо 8 умений набор 2

- 4 карты героев,
- 4 карты засад
не хватает 16 карт подсчета очков и 11 карты исследований

Nebblis, Affril, Undercity:
- есть по 3 карты исследований, нужны только карты для рисования

вот как получается:
Извините, вам запрещён просмотр содержимого спойлеров.

Do you happen to have this stuff in English?
Цитата: kayron от 10 ноября 2020, 15:44:20
Доброе утро, пожалуйста, имейте файлы игры Nemesis на английском языке или редактируемые файлы на русском языке, спасибо
Here is an English PNP I have put together of the base game.
Цитата: tikitavy от 10 ноября 2020, 20:03:51
"Generel PnP" section - the most suitable place :).
...from a certain point of view! I get why you did, but it wasn't where I meant. However, might need to change the tag [EN] to [IND], since there is no  text on the components.  8)
Technically, this and one other post were to posted in the [ENG] PNP section of the forum, but I guess got slightly miscommunicated where I wanted it.  :D

But yes, all my PNP's will be in Letter format since that is the preferred size where I live. But given the slight variations between Letter and A4 I might in future projects make sure it fits in both formats without any scaling when printing. Or I am sure someone can just re-edit the PNP into A4 format.

I usually have to re-layout PNP's that are formatted A4 to Letter.
The Stefan Feld's follow-up to Castles of Burgundy.

Castles of Tuscany PNP

Hope you enjoy it!
Here is a PNP for the Fallout: Atomic Bonds Expansion
This adds a new Coop mode to the game for all Scenarios in the Base Game and New California.

Fallout: Atomic Bonds PNP