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Сообщения - chachka

Does anybody have background pattern pictures of land types (jungle, wetland, sand, mountain)? I would like to make and share straight version of boards G and H (like DarkLord2020 did).
Does anyone have Player aid sheets for Comancheria in English that comes with the game?
There is an error on page 14 in file NavajoWars_PnP_EN. There should be brown "APs +10" token instead of brown "APs".
Napomena: Linije za sečenje karata su smaknute na dole i na desno za 0,3 mm zbog debljine noža.
Paleo - A New Beginning Serbian translation, based on FR scans and some Tabletopia material

За ретуширање сам користио GIMP, па онда InkScape за слагање карата на страницама, па PDFsam за спајање индивидуалних PDF-ова и на крају Free PDF Compressor за компресију добијеног PDF фајла.

Да, имам још 15-так игара превединих на српски (некада ћирлица накада латиница).
Serbian translation of Paleo (+ Terrorbirds):

Boards and tokens are from FR build, and I am thankful for that:

Cards are from RU build, and my thanks for that:
How long did it take you to translate this game to Hungarian? I am curious because I am translating lot of games to Serbian, and it can be so time consuming :O