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Сообщения - Bender

Hello guys, thanks for the german scan, but is there any chance from anyone to get the english version?
Thank you!
Sounds great! If you can, please do scan on both base game and expansion if you have it  ;)
Could you please make a scan of them?
It is just a photo, as I see...

Thank you!
Thank you but I was looking for the English version. If I'm not wrong, all the files are in Russian.
Help please.

Possibly also with the expansion "spies, lies & supplies"

Thank you!
Hello all,
Can someone provide scan or pnp of the game Inside Job?


Thank you!
Hello all, can you share the digital copy of the cards?

I can prepare the printable  PnP afterwards for the community!

Thanks guys!

Does anybody have also the 8 reference cards in English?
Looking for the card deck of Scythe Automa.

Can anybody help?

Looking for Codex naturalis.

Can anybody help?
Looking for the scan of "It's a wonderful world" and in particular it's expansions.

Great job of the pnp in Russian language (at the previous link) . Has anyone maybe done the same thing also for the English cards?
Thanks a lot!!!
Цитата: Ragner8 от 07 сентября 2021, 13:31:41
hi. Did you do the pnp?

Yes Sir!
here you can find the pnp:


2 major issues (not for me but maybe for you):
- I was too lazy and I maintained only 1 back for all cards (in reality for every deck it should be different). So during the setup I use to sort the decks by using the front of the cards
- I made the pnp only for the Overlords expansion. So if you want also the decks of the base game, they are not yet available.

PS: the WeTransfer link that I shared is a time limited repository, so please help me by sharing the file in a permanent link (I don't have accounts on online storage spaces)
Hello all,
all the links seem not working. Is it just my problem?
Thank you!
Anyone with pnp, scanned cards or files from TTS?

Looking for GoTown.

Thank you!