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Сообщения - cccp

Цитата: ibiliss от 10 октября 2020, 12:53:07This game is on boardgamearena.com but I don't know if the assets can be downloaded like tabletopia. Can someone help?

You can get the assets by using developer tools in any browser.
The link does not work for me...
I was finally able to get it. Take it from here.
I was finally able to get it. Take it from here.
Please check the links in the first post, both of them are working.
Except Krang everything seems to work well.
Цитата: elbourrinos от 03 апреля 2021, 07:31:15
thanks for the link
i 've just a problem with download page 11 !!! am i the only one ?
it worked for me.
no access to the link, restricted.
Цитата: TheGent от 01 февраля 2021, 21:03:17Missing Enemy Scrolls and Event Cards
Code: [Select]

These are the files from Tannhauser. Can you please update the link to the right files?
Does the link for the pnp works?
It's possible to give access to "no text" version? Thanks!
Can you also give access to the files?
Цитата: misishi от 22 июля 2020, 17:11:16Here is the json file, i downloaded it from #ttsclub server in discord, thanks to BlackwaterGaming

I don't know if I got this right, maybe somebody else can confirm it or offer more help.
In json file at line 89080 there is a definition for a Deck with nickname WGUMCD.
There is here a long list of DeckIDs.

let's take 157521.
Card ID is defined on line 89785, nickname "326", description "white"
   face image: httpcloud3steamusercontentcomugc146868784548182132488D08D8BD8052A604F09BD6ADBB5C96B297944F7.jpg
   back image: httpcloud3steamusercontentcomugc14686878454818214893EDDDAD6A240C669437681E7D1FC0D1CE5337759.jpg
   row: 5, column: 2

157510 - Card ID, line 89836, nickname "140" description "green"
   face image: httpcloud3steamusercontentcomugc146868784548182132488D08D8BD8052A604F09BD6ADBB5C96B297944F7.jpg
   back image: httpcloud3steamusercontentcomugc14686878454818214893EDDDAD6A240C669437681E7D1FC0D1CE5337759.jpg
   row: 3, column: 1

Maybe you can ask on this forum or TTS forum on how to correctly take information from json file or maybe there is a tool to just get whatever is needed.
I'm also curious about this, but I don't have time now to get much deeper in such details.