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Сообщения - Amaretto

Are these file available somewhere else , please, all links are broken ...
I didn't even know that unicorns pee and have gases ;)
Unicorns are elegant and majestic creatures... That's what you think anyway, but in fact they are silly and reproducing too quickly!

Kill the Unicorns is a blind bidding and collection card game. You play as one of the Queendom's unique characters - catch as many unicorns as you can, ideally without accidentally capturing a smelly Unicorn or a Pigicorn!

HQ multilingual PnP and rules :https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1iPpNqks4rCunMFzmVw2so2TjziWosDdY
Je le cherchais justement...merci, trop classe ;)
Hi ,
Would please someone translate the cards in english , please , even a plain text file would be great ..
Here is my Pnp, I've made the back of the cards in a low-ink version

both full-color and low-ink backs