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Сообщения - stevefaster

[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Re: white dog games PNP
11 января 2021, 08:42:53
@ Mercier
This is my first time uploading a game, I hope that this the right method.  :)

"Don't Tread on Me" Official PNP from WDG site, 2017


For people who don't know, Don't Tread on Me is a solitaire hystorical wargame about American Revolution.
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / white dog games PNP
07 января 2021, 19:23:38
hello to all,
someone has PNP files of "White Dog Games" solitaire titles?
Like "N:Napoleonic War", "Mrs Tatcher War", "The White Tribe", "Jeff Davis" etc.

I have "Don't Tread on Me" and "Vietnam Solitaire De luxe" if someone is interested,
but i'm not sure how to share them.