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Сообщения - Askeladdd

That's really strange, it works for me on other browsers,
But i've updated the link with a new updated version of the pdf for easier printing.
And i've also separated each card into it's own picture if anyone finds that easier.

I've uploaded all of those for you in this wetransfer link, let me know if it works.
Just wanted to say thank you so much to @ChupVulf who provided the scan files!

I've converted the images to pdf and combined some that were separate.

I've placed the raw files for people to edit it better than i could ;) as well as pdfs and the bonus cards that were posted on the Imagicien site and in my previous post.

Here's the link to all of that

Hope someone shares the expansion cards.


Hi, there is Similo on boardgamearena in alpha if you're a reviewer.
I can invite you if you want to play.
Feel free to message me.
Hi, i'm also looking if anyone has the scans of the cards, here's what i found


You can find this example

and this full board

Hopefully someone who has the full game wouldn't mind scanning the cards


Another thing i discovered while searching for the scans is that the french version of the site


offers 2 more examples than the english one, i'll just add them here

second one

third one

which means you get 12 cards in total to draw.