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Сообщения - gloomtea

Hi guys! Has someone tried to extract Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Duel at Mt. Skullzfyre assets from Tabletopia and wants to share? I know there is the PnP version here on this forum, but Tabletopia digital (not scanned) version has slightly bigger cards and there is more room to nicely cut them out later. I've tried to extract it myself, but damn, I'm too stupid for this and I am full of respect for those who can do it! Anyway, have a nice day and thank you for keeping up such an interesting forum. 

Post Merge: 25 ноября 2020, 10:36:47

OK, I've tried it once again. This time I used Tabletopia on Steam and I made it to the 6th step of instruction (fortunately I could skip the "hex editor" step). Since I have no idea how to even start extracting components using the manifest, I will end my hacking adventure here ;D Thank you wil_low for your tutorial!