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Сообщения - chiquitadi

[ENG] PnP / Re: [PnP][ENG][WIP] Unsettled
14 апреля 2022, 18:54:00
This game wasn't on my radar at all, thanks for sharing!
I'll go through the materials and compliment them with some 3d prints. Will post my build when it's near completion.
Thanks a lot, you're a legend.

Цитата: Fataloblom от 21 января 2018, 20:39:05
In addition you need figures: 36 Dahan, 20 Sities, 32 Towns, 40 Explorers, 38 Blight, 52 Spirit Presence (13 of eash 4 colors)

For my friends with 3d printers, here are some thingiverse links. Get a set of 3d pen filament/refills, they sell like 10-20 different colors in 5 or 10M lengths for the price of a single spool of PLA or ABS. That would be perfect for something like this. For those without a 3d printer, consider something cheap like an Ender 3 or ask a friend/library/makerspace.

Tokens (Thingiverse dot com) - Not my designs, just a list.
Dahan: /thing:4103513
Cities: /thing:4134662
Towns: /thing:3674201 OR /thing:4166837
Explorer: /thing:4364280
Blight: /thing:4746888 OR /thing:4915684
Spirit Presence: /thing:4359370  AND /thing:4379858/files
Fear Token: /thing:3680467
Vsem Privet,

I'm looking for scans of Long Shot: The Dice Game. I wish to have bought it but it's not available in my country. The wooden horses can easily replaced by meeples or 3d printed minis and there aren't a lot of cards or complicated tokens/board setup, so it looks as if it's easy adaptable for PnP.

BGG: boardgamegeek com/boardgame/295374/long-shot-dice-game
KS: kickstarter com/projects/perplext/long-shot-the-dice-game
Store: perplext com/long-shot-the-dice-game

Please do share if happen to have a copy or your thoughts on the game, SUSD did a review of it recently. //
Пожалуйста, поделитесь, если у вас есть копия или ваши мысли об игре, SUSD недавно сделала обзор.

Update: I found the TTS module made by the publisher themselves, it has limited assets. Still looking for the scans of the retail version (horse cards especially).
I will process the assets and post a PnP when it's done.