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Сообщения - pippoporcodio

Hello everyone,

I've been working for a couple of weeks to reproduce the "Masks of Nyarlathotep" Expansion for Eldritch Horror, and i am uploading my work here.

BEFORE DOWNLOADING READ CAREFULLY: These are not scans! I tried to be as accurate as possible to reproduce the original product -  as i said.
However the cards figures can be trimmed (with repsect the originals), or modified.
I've been using images from internet such as screenshot form youtube videos, images from FF website, forums and so on. Then i often had to improve the image quality by AI websites and/or manipulate the images to obtain a good impression. Tbh, all of this was a hard work - it has been my full time job for more than 2 weeks.
On the other hand, the cards back are quite good (i used the scans from this forum).
As for the card text the english version of Eldritch Horror Wiki proved incredibly useful, hence everything should be at his place.

Also I have to explain few more other things:

1. when downloading the files you will often find that cards from Mountain of Madness are also there, this is due to the fact that the scans from Mountain of Madness expansion that i found in this same forum were missing the mystery, reasearch and special encounter cards. Now you can find them here.
Thanks to the original poster of that expansion and you're all welcome :)
Some other material from Mountain of Madness (tokens, investigators and AO sheets) are also here, i merged the two expansions since i'm printing them together - be careful with the pages you are going to print!
NOTICE: all files can be printed on 2 sided pages, except the tokens, they must be printed on one sided page and eventually stuck together.

2. as for the personal stories I made a different card format from the original one. These are not minicard, but normal sized card (or maybe just smaller).
The card front contain the personal story, the card back has both the reward and consequence (and they are upside-down one with respect to the other).
The idea is to put the reward/consequence card under the investigator sheet, only showing the reward/consequence you achived (or rather just keep the card in the right direction depending on what you did).
I made them like this to have a simpler and smaller deck, but also because i liked to put some creativity on it.
Hope you like it.

3. the page with the gate tokens include the gates from Mountain of Madness and 3 new gates from a fan made expansion (Mu, K'n-yan and Pnakotus).

4. i added some blank clue token, just for the sake of it. Also, you can find the resource tokens and the mystic encounter token in a couple of pages within the reaserch encounter cards and the special encounter cards, respectively.

5. The only figures i didn't found (then can be very different from the original product) are in 3 out of 4 backs of the "Living Link" condition. The figure i used come from other FF products related to Lovecraftian games they produced.

6. as for the font and the various format they are quite faithful to the originals.

7. the card size must be right. In some pages you can notice that the cards are bigger instead since they have wider margins. In this case you can notice a very thin grey line to recognize the card border. However, consider that the wider margins, when present, could help to avoid misalignment issues if you are printing on 2 sided pages.

8. Cards quality is 300 ppi, sorry for this. Just check the forum, maybe i will upscale it in future, maybe not  :)

That's all.
Please let me know if there are major error somewhere.

Enjoy and Porcodecristo!

Post Merge: 23 мая 2023, 16:11:43

Just uploaded here -> https://www.mediafire.com/folder/91pj803gdjywm/Eldritch+Horror+-+MoN