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Сообщения - xoxef

Цитата: UAnonim от 16 сентября 2015, 06:31:36
i asked for scans of http://tesera.ru/game/Last_Night_on_Earth_Blood_in_the_Forest/ and http://tesera.ru/game/Last_Night_on_Earth_Timber_Peak/
I'll recive them in two or three weeks.
Цитата: PineXmas от 16 сентября 2015, 07:06:26
Actually I am still editing the files of Base Game + Survival Fittest to be better for printing. Will share with you when I've done.

anyone still has some files for the base and expansions and could share?
Есть у кого материал или пнп по игре?

English pnp would be best.