[PnP ENG] A Duel Betwixt Us

Автор Am015, 26 сентября 2014, 01:25:38

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Цитата: duckbill от 20 сентября 2017, 15:10:35
You can find some tutorials how to create PnP on this forum.
On russan.. :D


wait, спасибо!

Цитата: tikitavy от 20 сентября 2017, 15:16:04
On russan.. :D
Or rather IN Russian :)

RodrigoBR, being a noob myself I can only tell you that the cards in the archive are all full-sized - you just need to zoom in :) and use whatever image editor you prefer to create cards. I'd use Photoshop for that purpose. No idea if there's any special software to speed the process up. Thanks for willing to contribute to the community. Feel free to ask questions I'm sure the local veterans will gladly try and help.