Arkham and Eldritch Horror TTS extraction help...

Автор xalapagotica, 04 июля 2021, 10:32:18

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Hi, could someone extract the Arkham Horror 2nd edition and Eldritch Horror images with all their expansions of these mods for the TSS and upload them? I have no idea how to do it, or does anyone have these games to share?

Thanks in advance.



Open the file with notepad ++

Ctrl + M

Checking the regular expression check.

find the links with this regular expression
[A-Za-z] +: // [A-Za-z0-9 _ \ - \ + ~.:? & @ = /% #,; \ {\} \ (\) \ [\] \ | \ * \! \\] +

Copy the marked text and paste in a new tab.

Edit - Operations with lines - Eliminate duplicate lines.

Now you just have to download the links.


Цитата: xalapagotica от 04 июля 2021, 10:32:18
Hi, could someone extract the Arkham Horror 2nd edition and Eldritch Horror images with all their expansions of these mods for the TSS and upload them? I have no idea how to do it, or does anyone have these games to share?

Thanks in advance.


I hope you liked my edition of Arkham horror 2nd edition. ;)

Regarding TTS, there is an easier way for you to get the files: You can get the images at C:\Users\(Your user)\Documents\My Games\Tabletop Simulator\Mods\Images.
TTS downloads the mod images to this directory if you use cache (check the game options).Note that if you have several mods, all the images will be stored there.

If you happen to find any Arkham Horror 2 edition card scans in english, I'm looking for them. Specially since the Miskatonic Horror scans in that mod are poor quality. :)


Thank´s a lot for your answers, I will try both.

Sure, if I find the images I will gladly share them.


use this program to download all the assets for a TTS Mod and then you can also use it to back them up instead of having to go through all the files in the mod folder

Post Merge: 05 июля 2021, 15:56:16

here is the Arkham horror rip, it is missing one image for the William Yorick character

The Eldritch horror one you uploaded does not have the tts json file in it
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Цитата: xalapagotica от 04 июля 2021, 23:45:07
Thank´s a lot for your answers, I will try both.

Sure, if I find the images I will gladly share them.

I've sent you a PM with some scans I found.