[Request] Muse

Автор pasko92, 01 февраля 2018, 13:02:34

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Lead your teammates to inspiration using cryptic clues and surreal imagery in Muse, a beautiful party game with over one hundred fully-illustrated cards.

Play cooperatively at lower player counts, or divide into teams for competitive play with four or more at the table — the game is played the same either way! As a muse, you need to be creative to give the right clue within the constraints of the inspiration card you've been dealt, hoping to lead your team to their masterpiece. As artists, you work alongside one another to decipher that clue, and correctly choose the piece of art from the line-up.

Challenge your creativity, listen closely, and let your muse guide you to your masterpiece!


Может у кого-то уже русская версия есть?


Может кто-нибудь сможет хотя бы написать все задания из карт "вдохновения"?
Можно сделать пнп с ними и играть с картами Диксита или Имаджинариума...


I collected about 20 of the real Masterpiece Cards and for the rest I used cards from Dixit. I have also translated the inspiration cards from the published german version. Here is the pnp:

    Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: CORDOBE


Цитата: pasko92 от 13 мая 2018, 17:43:57
I collected about 20 of the real Masterpiece Cards and for the rest I used cards from Dixit. I have also translated the inspiration cards from the published german version. Here is the pnp:


Thank you very much!