[Отдаю] Файл пнп дополнения Eight-Minute Empire: Lost Lands

Автор coolerbox, 02 августа 2014, 13:02:46

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а также правила :

Quick Rules

(Follow the basic Eight-Minute Empire: Legends rulebook unless stated below):


1.  Cut out each card and component.  Print page 3 once for every two players (up to six).  Give each player a Player Board.  Put the original Player Aid cards in the box.

2.  Each player should have 22 army cubes and 3 cities.  You may need to improvise or use components from another board game to make this happen.  You'll also need pieces for a 5th and 6th player.

3.  If playing with 2 players, remove all cards with a number in the bottom-left corner of the top scroll.  If playing with 3, remove all cards with a number except "2" or "3".  If playing with 4, remove all cards with the numbers "5" or "6".  If playing with 5, remove all cards with the number "6".  If playing with 6, use all cards.  Shuffle all cards together.

4.  If playing with 5 or 6 players, give each player 8 coins.  The game is over when all players have 7 cards.

5.  When using the new Lost Lands map, also use 2 additional islands for 2-4 players, or 3 additional islands for 5-6 players.  Place one portal token on an island.  The three portals are considered adjacent.

6. Do not set up the card row as normal.  Deal a hand of four cards to each player.  Players may not look at these cards or change the order.

7.  Place the 1st Player token near the board where all players can see it.

Playing the Game

1.  There is no turn order bid at the beginning of the game.

2.  Instead of purchasing from a card row, players simultaneously select cards from their hands.  This is accomplished in the following manner: 

    First, the oldest player counts to three.  When the number three has been reached, all players simultaneously look at the cards in their hand.  Each player then selects a card he would like to purchase.  The cost of each card is labelled on the top scroll of each player board.  The top card (facing the player) is free.  The second card costs 1, third costs 2, and fourth costs 3.  When a player chooses a card, he declares out loud which one he has selected and places it face down on his player board.  For example, "Second card!"  The player then pays an amount of coins equal to the cost of the card.  If he was the first player to declare his chosen card, he also takes the 1st Player token.  The player then places the remaining unchosen cards face down next to his player board.
    When all players have chosen a card, the player with the 1st Player token must declare if he would like to take his card action first or last.  If he chooses first, he reveals his chosen card and takes the action as normal.  The player on the left then takes her turn, and so on until all players have used their card actions.  If the player with the 1st Player token chooses to go last, the player to his left takes her action first, continuing in clockwise order until all players have used their card actions.  The player with the 1st Player token also gains a temporary "Add Army" bonus, which only applies if he has an "Add Army" card action.
    After all players have completed their card actions, each player draws one card from the deck and adds it to the back of the unchosen cards.  Each player then passes the hand of cards to the player on the left (there should always be 4 cards to choose from).
    Play continues until all players own a number of cards sufficient to end the game (as described in the original rulebook).

Last note: The new Lost Lands board is worth +4VP if a player controls the most regions on it.  It is considered one large island ( the three sections of land on it are not considered separate islands, but it does cost three movement to cross the rivers).
    Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Mailaara, cccp, Skyris


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Цитата: UAnonim от 02 августа 2014, 17:37:52
А самих Легенд у вас часом нет?

нет, к сожалению, этот доп за участие в киктартере допа был дан, чем богат.





