Cosmic Encounter: перевод flavor текста дополнений

Автор Космическая Ветчина, 27 августа 2019, 10:54:00

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Habitually cruel to those who show signs of weakness, the Bully exploits any opportunity to run roughshod over its opponents. The false courage that is the hallmark of the Bully strikes terror into the less aggressive races of the Universe, and many flee rather than risk a confrontation. If none stand in its way, the Bully seeks to trample its way to Cosmic dominance.

Unique among life forms, the Chronos has forever been able to pierce the veil of time and control its own past. Now, the elite of the race grows tired of a world where minor rivalries lead to constant paradoxes and time-quakes and has set out to redesign the Universe. That this involves altering reality comes as past history to the Chronos.

Thanks to their unique metabolism, the Cryo are able to enter hibernation for millennia, awakening only when their people have need of them. However, the time is fast approaching when the Cryo may finally awaken all of the great heroes of their past to lead them to Cosmic conquest.

Twin suns and a double moon have endowed the ambidextrous Deuce with twice the strength of their opponents. Cleverly concealing their real motives behind an amiable mask, the duplicitous Deuce see universal control within reach.

Long ago, having decimated all life forms on their native planet, the Disease seemed in danger of extinction due to their own success. The advent of interstellar travel, however, gave them a new lease on life. Once the Disease secure a foothold on a new world, it is only a matter of time before they dominate it.

Subscribing to a moral code of the utmost purity, the Ethics set a universal standard of conduct. Those who would harm the Ethics find themselves curiously repentant. Knowing that they are possessed of the One True Way, the race of Ethics now seeks to convert Outsiders through moral suasion.

The Fungus clings tenaciously to its basic perceptions, and now its neighbors find its teachings (and tendrils) rapidly growing upon them.

Powerful warriors of a matriarchal race, the Furies swear vengeance on anyone foolish enough to defeat one of their champions in battle. Although the quest may take years, the vengeance of the Furies is always served in the end.

Originating on a planet filled with some of the Universe's deadliest predators, the Geniuses had to be smarter and more ruthless than any other creature on their world in order to survive. Now that they've left their home planet, the Geniuses have turned their prodigious intelligence toward a bloodless coup of the Universe.

Haunting the edges of battlefields and devouring the losers to sate their endless hunger, the Ghouls are greatly feared throughout the Universe, particularly by those aliens that normally attack en masse. More subtle tactics are required against the Ghouls, lest they emerge from battle stronger than ever.

11. Guerrilla
Used to fighting against superior forces, the Guerrillas have learned to strike from the shadows, wearing down their opponents' numbers even when they lose a battle. Seeing themselves as heroic underdogs, the Guerrillas have set out to liberate the Cosmos from those alien races who would oppress it, whether the Cosmos wants to be liberated or not.

12. Leviathan
Immense and powerful creatures, the Leviathans consumed every resource on their own worlds until they themselves became like planets. The Leviathan fleets, now stationed within the fleshy folds of their masters, scout out new worlds for the Leviathans to envelop. The sight of a world-sized entity gating in through hyperspace often causes madness and hysteria on the targeted planet, but it doesn't last long.

The Locusts recently swarmed out of their home system in a vast cloud of ships, searching for uninhabited planets that they could break down and consume to meet the ever-growing energy needs of their people. Needless to say, the other aliens are keeping a nervous eye on these destructive gluttons.

Lacking any natural weapons with which to defend themselves, the Magicians had to use their keen intellect to survive. Confusing and confounding their enemies became second nature to the wily Magicians. Indeed, many a would-be Cosmic conqueror has found occasion to curse the day that the Magicians swindled a visiting alien out of his spaceship and soared out into the Cosmos.

Originally created by another race to serve as police, the robotic Mercenaries were designed to be exert trackers and warriors. However, a terrible plague wiped out their masters and, left alone for eons, the Mercenaries gradually became self-aware. Vowing that they would never be used as slaves again, the Mercenaries made their way out into the Cosmos, always being careful to exact a price for their services.

16. Merchant
Hailing from a world incredibly rich in natural resources, the Merchants achieved star travel early in their history thanks to a crew of intergalactic mercenaries who crash-landed on their planet. Since then, the Merchants have frequently used their wealth and natural charisma to hire other races to do their fighting for them.

This species of Plant combines the longevity of the redwood, the persistence of the weed, and the delicacy of the fern. Slowly grafting to themselves the traits of others, they can afford to quietly wait until their enemies grow tired, then spread their tendrils unopposed throughout the Cosmos.

Evolving during an intense struggle between more developed species, the Seekers gained ecological room only by acute sensitivity to their opponent's disposition. Always probing, they closely evaluate what is known. Lately, Seekers have turned searching eyes upon the Cosmos.

The Snivelers developed in the evolutionary shadow of a closely related but older and more gifted race. Beset by adversity at every turn, they looked to their elder brethren for succor and defense. Now grown adept at self-pity and having liquidated their generous patrons, they turn their wet, envious gaze toward the heavens.

he environmental extremes on the Symbiote's homeworld drove its two sentient species into a mutual interdependence. Now this exceptionally tough hybrid has discovered that the warp gives this two-in-one race a distinct advantage over its adversaries.

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