Euthia torment of resurrection Scans

Автор arm_santander, 21 мая 2022, 00:53:10

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Has anyone has the scans/pnp for the game Euthia?
The kickstarter with the reprint and the extension but unfortunately it was cancelled and now it is quite difficult to find...

Thank you in advance!
Kind regards


Full game is available in Tabletop Simulator - you can pull them out from it.


Thank you @ershua

Unfortunately my PC is old and I tried to install it but it is goes veery slow, I think my 4GB de ram is not performing to 100%... :(
If anyone is able to share the files I can try to make a pnp

Thanks in advance,






I know this topic is a bit old, but could someone send the scans and 3D printing files again? Thank you in advance


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