The Reckoners [ENG][SCAN]

Автор BoardStupid, 16 июля 2022, 01:31:42

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ЦитироватьThe Reckoners, a game based on the young adult fantasy novels by Brandon Sanderson, allows players to take on the roles of the novels' protagonists and work together to save the world.

The Reckoners is a simultaneous, co-operative game for 1-6 players that plays in 75 minutes. You win by defeating Steelheart. But before you can defeat him, you must first discover his weakness. Throughout the game, you will work with your fellow Reckoners to research and attack Steelheart, but he is not alone. Numerous Epics are scattered throughout the city, and they will wreak havoc upon the population, if left unchecked. If the Epics manage to destroy Newcago by reducing the population to 0, then all Reckoners lose.






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