[PnP EN] Tracker: A Post Nuclear Disaster

Автор TimTracker, 13 марта 2016, 10:45:53

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I'm Tim. One of the creators of Tracker: A Post Nuclear Disaster. We had successful Kickstarter campaign in 2014. But I decided to give the printable version of the game away for free - to you.

It's a post apocalyptic competitive game for 4 - 8 players
Playtime: 45-60 minutes
Take all the items from the players you kill - Full loot
You are never eliminated from the game - if you die you turn into a zombie and can still win!

I would really appreciate it if somebody could translate the game into Russian. I can replace the texts on the cards and reupload here.

You can download it here: www.trackerboardgame.com



Цитата: TimTracker от 13 марта 2016, 10:45:53I'm Tim. One of the creators of Tracker: A Post Nuclear Disaster. We had successful Kickstarter campaign in 2014. But I decided to give the printable version of the game away for free - to you.
Thank you! :) And welcome to the forum!


Цитата: tikitavy от 15 марта 2016, 12:27:50
Цитата: TimTracker от 13 марта 2016, 10:45:53I'm Tim. One of the creators of Tracker: A Post Nuclear Disaster. We had successful Kickstarter campaign in 2014. But I decided to give the printable version of the game away for free - to you.
Thank you! :) And welcome to the forum!

Thank you! Glad to be here :)




Цитата: eeeio от 01 июня 2016, 10:37:42
Interesting. Thanks for the decision.

Thanks! :)

It's a waste if it just gathers dust here. We've had a lot of fun from it :).


Тим, greetings.
I want to be engaged in transfer of game into Russian.
We can communicate by e-mail or ICQ?


Цитата: JohnLygin от 03 июня 2016, 09:04:31
Тим, greetings.
I want to be engaged in transfer of game into Russian.
We can communicate by e-mail or ICQ?

Greetings John,

I can't seem to send you a message here, because I don't understand what I need to click :)). Can you send me an email to [email protected] please?

Thank you,


Hello, Tim. I have some questions.

1. Page 4: «For the first move each player positions their figure on a corner of a shelter of their choosing»
А) The first player places the figure and makes his turn. The second player places the figure and makes his turn.
B) The first player places the figure. The second player places the figure. The first player makes his turn. The second player makes his turn.

2. Page 4: «Flip your artefact cards face up or face down to equip or unequip them respectively. They will stay this way until your next turn»
Round 1: Player flips his artefact cards face up to equip them.
Round 2: Can the player flip his artefact cards face down to unequip them?

3. Page 5: «When you lose all your health points. Whether by radiation or in a combat with another player, you die and turn into a zombie»
Death = end of the round? Player respawns as zombie in the next round?

4. Page 5: «You wield a shotgun with 10 damage points and a range of 2»
Needs zombie charge a shotgun? Can the zombie attack a zombie?

5. Page 6: «If you kill a player as a zombie, you are reborn as a player where you are currently standing. You also get everything from killed player and receive 50 health points. You may use your remaining moves if you have any»
Needs resurrected player charge a weapon? What about zombie's shotgun?

6. Page 7: «ANOMALIES ... You lose 15 health points per turn inside an anomaly.»
The damage from anomalies and radiation is cumulative? The damage from anomalies and emission is cumulative?

7. Page 7: «During the game, a maximum of 5 cards can be equipped»
«5» = «a total of 5 cards» or «5 equipped cards »
A) 2 equipped weapon cards + 3 equipped artefact cards+ 2 unequipped artefact cards = 5 equipped cards and a total of 7 cards
B) 2 equipped weapon cards + 1 equipped artefact card+ 2 unequipped artefact cards = 3 equipped cards and a total of 5 cards

8. Page 7: «Artefacts give you winning points and or special abilities»
Give you unequipped artefacts winning points?
1. Each player needs a marker: Emission
2. Each player needs 2 markers: the visited anomaly and the visited army stashes
I translated "for himself" rules. Tracker_Rules_RUS.pdf (500 Kb). Tracker_Cards_RUS.pdf (200 Kb).I want to play with my son.

Good luck in developing Your games.


Цитата: Repej от 03 июня 2016, 14:29:44
Hello, Tim. I have some questions.

1. Page 4: «For the first move each player positions their figure on a corner of a shelter of their choosing»
А) The first player places the figure and makes his turn. The second player places the figure and makes his turn.
B) The first player places the figure. The second player places the figure. The first player makes his turn. The second player makes his turn.

2. Page 4: «Flip your artefact cards face up or face down to equip or unequip them respectively. They will stay this way until your next turn»
Round 1: Player flips his artefact cards face up to equip them.
Round 2: Can the player flip his artefact cards face down to unequip them?

3. Page 5: «When you lose all your health points. Whether by radiation or in a combat with another player, you die and turn into a zombie»
Death = end of the round? Player respawns as zombie in the next round?

4. Page 5: «You wield a shotgun with 10 damage points and a range of 2»
Needs zombie charge a shotgun? Can the zombie attack a zombie?

5. Page 6: «If you kill a player as a zombie, you are reborn as a player where you are currently standing. You also get everything from killed player and receive 50 health points. You may use your remaining moves if you have any»
Needs resurrected player charge a weapon? What about zombie's shotgun?

6. Page 7: «ANOMALIES ... You lose 15 health points per turn inside an anomaly.»
The damage from anomalies and radiation is cumulative? The damage from anomalies and emission is cumulative?

7. Page 7: «During the game, a maximum of 5 cards can be equipped»
«5» = «a total of 5 cards» or «5 equipped cards »
A) 2 equipped weapon cards + 3 equipped artefact cards+ 2 unequipped artefact cards = 5 equipped cards and a total of 7 cards
B) 2 equipped weapon cards + 1 equipped artefact card+ 2 unequipped artefact cards = 3 equipped cards and a total of 5 cards

8. Page 7: «Artefacts give you winning points and or special abilities»
Give you unequipped artefacts winning points?
1. Each player needs a marker: Emission
2. Each player needs 2 markers: the visited anomaly and the visited army stashes
I translated "for himself" rules. Tracker_Rules_RUS.pdf (500 Kb). Tracker_Cards_Artefacts_Weapons_RUS.pdf (130 Kb).I want to play with my son.

Good luck in developing Your games.

Repej, thank you so much for your questions and rules.


Some artefacts are "instant" meaning you can use them once and only once. Then you return them to the deck. If an artefact is an "equip" then you can activate and deactivate them. But only ONCE per turn at the beginning of your turn.

Yes you die on your turn. And you wait until your next turn until respawn. But as soon as you respawn as a Zombie, you can roll the die and use your action points.

No Zombies do not need to charge their shotgun. They can shoot people as soon as they respawn. No a Zombie can not shoot other zombies!

The Zombie doesn't own anything. Even that shotgun is imaginary you don't actually take a card for it. So when you respawn as a player again, you use only the gear that the player you killed has.
If you kill a player that has only a pistol - then you only have a pistol when you respawn.

No. You only receive 15 points of damage per turn.

A) You can have 7 or more cards. But only 5 can be used during play. Example: 2 weapons, 3 artefacts. The rest must be unequipped.

Yes Artefacts that aren't equipped and have winning points written on them count as winning points.
Example: You have 2 weapons and 3 equipped artefacts that are worth 3 points. But you have 3 artefacts unequipped worth 5 points. Which means you are the winner!

I agree! You are absolutely right. Sometimes it is difficult to remember where you have already visited. I suggest printing a small hexagon in the color of your figure and use that to mark where you have visited before.

Thanks again and I really hope you and your son enjoyed and will enjoy Tracker.

The game is based on the video game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. which is one of my absolute favorite games developed by GSC.

If you have any more questions or suggestions, I'll be very happy to answer them!

Happy Tracking ;)!


[joke] This is no S.T.A.L.K.E.R.! No vodka - no S.T.A.L.K.E.R.! [/joke]
Now everything is clear. Thank you.


Цитата: Repej от 07 июня 2016, 12:43:30
[joke] This is no S.T.A.L.K.E.R.! No vodka - no S.T.A.L.K.E.R.! [/joke]
Now everything is clear. Thank you.

Hahaha :D we wanted to turn the healing artefact into Vodka. But it wouldn't make sense to get vodka out of anomalies. Unless it's Artefact Vodka!