[PnP EN] Jambo (PnP with simplification)

Автор makman12, 13 апреля 2017, 22:12:39

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Hi guys, i was following forum for last 2 months. I am very thankfull for sharing here but some of the games are russian which i do not speak. So i decided to make translations russian to english and print them. I know it's a silly idea cause original games are already english but this is the only choice that i have. Because I live in Turkey and I am a student i can not afford original games :(. (Bu arada eğer bunu okuyan biri varsa mail atsın bana direk malibilkent@gmail.com) Here is the first game that i worked on it Jambo.

Cards are not perfect and symetric but is playable.

If you are foreigner too and if you find or translate english games let me know by writing a comment

    Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Gigazaur



