[Scans ENG] The 7th Continent (need compile PnP)

Автор tikitavy, 24 октября 2017, 11:48:16

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Цитата: duckbill от 06 декабря 2017, 10:24:39
Они издеваются с нумерацией файлов?

No... it´s just autoscan... right now i don´t have the time to rename the files as I do the other time as i still translating the basic game...

but it´s easy... sort by time and you will get front/back... the back of the card have the uniqueid.
also they are in folders... each folder have one expansion on it.. and each expansion begin with a letter... A is basic Game B is the first expansion... and so on till G
    Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: JIeHuH


Thanks for the scans!!! :) I think "The Icy Maze" expansion is missing one card, the other expansions are ok, in it there is 190/2=95. I will sort them and will tell ID of the card after checking errata :)
Exploration cards must be 22 (21 level X and 1 level IX), in folder there is 20 level X and 1 level IX, i can't figure out which is the ID of the missing card, but it's from Exploration X deck :)
I found it, ID B0972 is missing card from The Icy Maze :)




Thanks for the scans tikitavy. I watched a video of this game last night and it looks quite interesting.




I hope that anybody have expansions and willing to scan just card B0972 to complete the game ( at least til october 2018 :) ) and duckbill can do his magic to make expansions compatible with his base game A3 file! :)




Thank you!
We got (almost) all the cards :) Thanks to scotherns @boardgamegeek.com for devourers standees :)
I tried to find elements variant to use, but this is the best i had found :)
I'm trying to find 5 cards from The 7th Continent: BGG Promo Cards and if i find them will share to complete the pack :)




I didn't seem to find scans from The 7th Continent: BGG Promo and i ordered them from BGG. :) As today: The item is currently in transit to the destination as of December 15, 2017 at 12:53 pm. When they arrived i will scan and try to make 1 page A4 pdf file, i think if they are made 80x80 A4 will fit them. :)




This is the scans of BGG Promo:


My scanner is broken and this is the best i can do right now :) I hope they will do the work :)
This is all from the continent until upgrade pack and expansions has been released :)


Thanks for the BGG Promos :)

By the way. Is there a scan of the discard pile holder? I don't think I have seen it.



This is as close i have to discard pile :) I think they will do the work :)





Thanks for the cards from expansion.
But the quality do not feel really good.
Can someone scan them in higher quality ?


На русском языке не у кого нету этой PnP???
Модератор, как сантехник: когда он делает своё дело, никто ничего не замечает, а когда ошибается, все оказываются по уши в дерьме.


Цитата: Visp от 05 февраля 2018, 19:58:49
На русском языке не у кого нету этой PnP???
Нет, ей ещё никто даже не начинал заниматься


Цитата: wait от 05 февраля 2018, 22:49:43
Цитата: Visp от 05 февраля 2018, 19:58:49
На русском языке не у кого нету этой PnP???
Нет, ей ещё никто даже не начинал заниматься
Понятно,будем ждать!!!
Модератор, как сантехник: когда он делает своё дело, никто ничего не замечает, а когда ошибается, все оказываются по уши в дерьме.


Ждите. Как дождётесь - напишите.