[PnP][ENG][1–4p][90–120min][13+] Spirit Island + Branch & Claw

Автор Fataloblom, 21 января 2018, 20:39:05

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Spirit Island + Branch & Claw
BGG, Tesera{Ru}

Извините, вам запрещён просмотр содержимого спойлеров.

Type: Strategy
Players: 1–4
Playing Time: 90–120 Min
Age: 13+

Spirit Island is a complex and thematic cooperative game about defending your island home from colonizing Invaders. Players are different spirits of the land, each with its own unique elemental powers. Every turn, players simultaneously choose which of their power cards to play, paying energy to do so. Using combinations of power cards that match a spirit's elemental affinities can grant free bonus effects. Faster powers take effect immediately, before the Invaders spread and ravage, but other magics are slower, requiring forethought and planning to use effectively. In the Spirit phase, spirits gain energy, and choose how / whether to Grow: to reclaim used power cards, to seek for new power, or to spread presence into new areas of the island.

Download Light PnP (as a Kickstarter PnP) - 4 spirits, no countries and no scenarios

Download Full PnP (Base+Addon+2 Promo Spirits)

Download Rules

Russian Rules

6-player Island map

In addition you need figures: 36 Dahan, 20 Sities, 32 Towns, 40 Explorers, 38 Blight, 52 Spirit Presence (13 of eash 4 colors)








thanks a lot. Lets see if this huge project is going to get "live" :D





Тут качество карт лучше, чем в pnp-материалах. Оформлю для печати...
Но только в Хроме картинки открываются в качественном webp, а в других браузерах вместо него хреновенький jpeg.

Here the quality of cards is better than in pnp-materials.
But only in Chrome, images are opened in a high-quality webp, and in other browsers instead of it is a lame jpeg.

Странная концепция повреждения домов - класть их на бок и переворачивать.
Есть идея доработать игровое поле: добавить в каждом регионе "Эпицентр" - зоны (-1) и (-2) и передвигать поврежденные домики туда.

A strange concept of damaging houses is to put them on their side and turn them over.
There is an idea to refine the playing field: add in each region "Epicenter" - zones (-1) and (-2) and move the damaged houses there.
    Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Gigazaur, Tinuviel






Carpe Diem

le huy





    Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Tinuviel






Мой вариант миплов Spirit Island для лазерной резки
Большая и обновляемая сборка лазерной резки:
17 corel
20 corel
    Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Tinuviel


а кто и как дарханы делал? и скверны? и ещё вопрос, что за фишки на последней странице у файле One side.pdf? я просто не играл ещё в игру_)
    Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: tom


Hello,what did you use for cities/towns and explorers? Thanks
    Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: chachka


Thanks a lot, you're a legend.

Цитата: Fataloblom от 21 января 2018, 20:39:05
In addition you need figures: 36 Dahan, 20 Sities, 32 Towns, 40 Explorers, 38 Blight, 52 Spirit Presence (13 of eash 4 colors)

For my friends with 3d printers, here are some thingiverse links. Get a set of 3d pen filament/refills, they sell like 10-20 different colors in 5 or 10M lengths for the price of a single spool of PLA or ABS. That would be perfect for something like this. For those without a 3d printer, consider something cheap like an Ender 3 or ask a friend/library/makerspace.

Tokens (Thingiverse dot com) - Not my designs, just a list.
Dahan: /thing:4103513
Cities: /thing:4134662
Towns: /thing:3674201 OR /thing:4166837
Explorer: /thing:4364280
Blight: /thing:4746888 OR /thing:4915684
Spirit Presence: /thing:4359370  AND /thing:4379858/files
Fear Token: /thing:3680467