Dragon Farkle (2015)

Автор jasbourre, 16 июня 2019, 05:08:10

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Gather your courage! The long-enjoyed peace of Yon has been disrupted by a ferocious and mean-spirited dragon — he's terrorizing the locals and eating their livestock without their permission! Fortunately, a few wannabe heroes (that's you!) have risen to the challenge of slaying the beast. Get yourself a brave companion, gather a powerful army, and enter the Dragon's Keep for cheese and country in Dragon Farkle!

To play, you gather an army of loyal soldiers or steal them from your opponents, hire suspicious-looking companions and gain allegedly useful items (most of which aren't even cursed), then fight that dragon you've heard so much about — or don't, if you hate winning...


Old as dirt.


Been looking for this, for a long time. Thank you very much.


Pls correct the topic's title for better searching (farkle)
    Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: jasbourre


Ooh, I've been waiting so long for this to pop up, thank you!




Sorry this is the first time I scan with printer/scanner. I know the quality sucks...
Old as dirt.


Цитата: jasbourre от 20 июня 2019, 02:30:10
Sorry this is the first time I scan with printer/scanner. I know the quality sucks...
I would like scans of 300 dpi. It is desirable to have all the cards, because there are not enough 3 item cards.
My version, replaced the prayer mats two cards https://yadi.sk/i/dK0kmTQxyHqQig
    Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Gwendolin, Tinuviel


А на русском языке нет?
Если удалить онлайн игры и ютуб, то времени хватит на всё.


Цитата: Mamosik от 07 августа 2019, 06:44:22А на русском языке нет?
Недопереводил, время выкроить не могу, по идее редизайн нужен)


Сделал для себя перевод правил, также перевел все карты в текстовом виде.
Извините, вам запрещён просмотр содержимого спойлеров.
    Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: weballin, dvs08


Сделал небольшой редизайн карт и подготовил ПНП полностью на русском
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