Android: Netrunner System Core 2019

Автор Drandran, 09 февраля 2020, 12:43:51

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Hi all, my first contribution to this board, I took the existing 600 DPI scans for Android Netrunner, passed through some de-noising and sharpening filters and constructed NISEI's System Core 2019, which is a good entry point into the game allowing for construction of several Runner and Corp decks.

Some changes of classic versions of cards were made and replaced with full-card promo versions because the card design/artwork was nicer.

Since all card artwork covers from border to border, layout design was made with a 1mm bleed.

Download PnP File, tokens file and rulebooks here:!HRs1jKBD!Hnm3fDY3CYKzaVdXn2P66Q





as someone new to the series... how does this pnp fall in with all the expansions for hte game? is this a base set? Do you plan to add expansions?


Цитата: Duxa от 12 августа 2020, 01:07:32
as someone new to the series... how does this pnp fall in with all the expansions for hte game? is this a base set? Do you plan to add expansions?

Currently no plans to add to it. I will explain. This PnP is what was considered in 2019 the "NISEI Core" set. Back in 2018 FFG did not renew the license to Android Netrunner, announcing them dropping support and future expansions for the game and effectively leaving the competitive scene to die. The fan managed organization NISEI have since taken over the development and promotion of the game to keep its competitive scene alive. Their first release was an updated version of the Netrunner "System Core" which is the PnP I have shared here. The Original FFG Android NEtrunner System Core is by todays standards outdated as it is populated with cards that are no longer used or Tabooed in the competitive scene.

The NISEI System core 2019 is fully compatible with all release expansions by FFG, but being a competitive game, these expansions and packs are merely extra cards for more deckbuilding options. Additionally, NISEI is also releasing packs and updates for free in PnP PDF version on their site, as they are a non-profit organization. So this core is a good way to find out if you like the game, and if you want more cards to build your decks, NISEI's website has the free PNPs you can print to add to your deckbuilding options.
