Airlines Europe новая игра по типу ticket to ride?

Автор ufimez, 27 апреля 2011, 08:53:47

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с первого взгляда на билет на поезд похожа. кто нибудь в нее играл?


раз русско-язычное общество молчит приведу английские цитаты.

Nice and promising game after one play. The complexity is one big step above Ticket to Ride, but everything "clicks" around the time of the first evaluation. We enjoyed it, although it will take a few games to start fine-tuning actions and tactics to be able to make the most victory-points-efficient choice at one's turn.

a fine game of shares and connections that is almost good as a gateway; it works perfectly as a next step after games like Ticket to Ride.
The components and artwork are also top-notch except from the paper money made of cheap, thin paper.

Advanced Ticket to Ride.
Very enjoyable game. Definitely an easy introductory stock game, a great stepping stone for those Ticket to Ride neophytes who are looking for the 'next' thing.
Not sure if this game will be as enjoyable after a dozen plays, but definitely fun enough that I want to give it another go!



