На прошлой неделе были названы победители премии Dice Tower Awards 2011, присуждаемой коллегией жюри из нескольких десятков человек со всего мира. В этом году было 13 номинаций, и вот они — победители (в каждой номинации перечислены все претенденты, победитель выделен жирным шрифтом).
Лучшая игра года:
- Eclipse: by Touko Tahkokallio — Asmodee;
- A Few Acres of Snow: Martin Wallace — Treefrog Games;
- The Ares Project: Brian and Geoff Engelstein — Z-Man Games;
- The Castles of Burgundy: by Stefan Feld — Ravensburger;
- King of Tokyo: by Richard Garfield — IELLO;
- The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game: by Nate French — Fantasy Flight Games;
- Mage Knight Board Game: by Vlaada Chvatil — WizKids;
- Quarriors!: by Mike Elliott and Eric M. Lang — Wizkids;
- Risk Legacy: by Rob Daviau and Chris Dupuis — Hasbro;
- Star Trek: Fleet Captains: by Mike Elliott, Bryan Kinsella, and Ethan Pasternack — WizKids.
Лучшая семейная игра:
- King of Tokyo: by Richard Garfield — IELLO;
- Flash Point: Fire Rescue: by Kevin Lanzing — Indie Boards and Cards;
- Kingdom Builder: by Donald X. Vaccarino — Queen Games;
- Quarriors!: by Mike Elliott and Eric M. Lang — Wizkids;
- Say Anything Family Edition: by Dominic Crapuchettes — North Star Games.
Лучшая игра разработчика-дебютанта:
- Flash Point: Fire Rescue: by Kevin Lanzing — Indie Boards and Cards;
- Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game: by Jason Little — Fantasy Flight Games;
- The Ares Project: Brian and Geoff Engelstein — Z-Man Games;
- Sentinels of the Multiverse: by Christopher Badell and Paul Bender — Greater Than Games;
- Nightfall: David Gregg — Alderac Entertainment Group.
Лучшее переиздание:
- Confusion: Espionage and Deception in the Cold War: by Robert Abbott — Stronghold Games;
- Can’t Stop: by Sid Sackson — Gryphon Games;
- Evo: by Philippe Keyaerts — Asmodee;
- A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition): by Christian T. Petersen — Fantasy Flight Games;
- Puerto Rico: Anniversary Edition: by Andreas Seyfarth — Rio Grande Games.
Лучшее качество компонентов:
- Mansions of Madness: by Corey Konieczka — Fantasy Flight Games;
- Dungeons & Dragons: The Legend of Drizzt Board Game: by Peter Lee, Mike Mearls, and Bill Slavicsek — Wizards of the Coast;
- Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of Ashardalon Board Game: by Peter Lee, Mike Mearls, and Bill Slavicsek — Wizards of the Coast;
- Risk Legacy: Rob Daviau and Chris Dupuis, Hasbro;
- Super Dungeon Explore: by Chris Birkenhagen, John Cadice, and Deke Stella — Soda Pop Miniatures.
Лучшая игра от некрупного издателя:
- Flash Point: Fire Rescue, by Kevin Lanzing — Indie Boards and Cards;
- Dungeon Run, Mr. Bistro, Plaid Hat Games;
- Rallyman: by Jean-Christophe Bouvier, Rallyman Inc.;
- Sentinels of the Multiverse: by Christopher Badell and Paul Bender — Greater Than Games;
- Bears!: by Anne-Marie De Witt, — Fireside Games.
Лучшая игра для компании:
- Dixit: Odyssey: by Jean-Louis Roubira — Asmodee;
- Crappy Birthday: by Brian Weinstock and Amy Weinstock — North Star Games;
- Reverse Charades Junior Edition: Scott and Bryce Porter — Gryphon Games;
- Faux-Cabulary: by Matthew Nuccio — Out of the Box;
- Train of Thought: by Jay Cormier and Sen-Foong Lim — Tasty Minstrel Games.
Лучшее дополнение:
- Summoner Wars: Master Set, by Colby Dauch — Plaid Hat Games;
- Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 1 – Team Asia & Legendary Asia: by Alan R. Moon and Francois Valentyne — Days of Wonder;
- Thunderstone: Dragonspire: by Mike Elliott and Brent Keith, Alderac Entertainment Group;
- Small World Underground: by Philippe Keyaerts — Days of Wonder;
- 7 Wonders: Leaders: by Antoine Bauza — Asmodee.
Самая инновационная игра:
- Risk Legacy: by Rob Daviau and Chris Dupuis — Hasbro;
- The Ares Project: by Brian and Geoff Engelstein — Z-Man Games;
- Ascending Empires: by Ian Cooper — Z-Man Games;
- Paperclip Railways: Tony Boydell, Surprised Stare Games Ltd;
- Quarriors!: by Mike Elliott and Eric M. Lang — Wizkids.
Лучшее оформление:
- The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game: by various artists — Fantasy Flight Games;
- Dixit: Odyssey: by Marie Cardouat and Pierô- Asmodee;
- Mansions of Madness: by Christopher Burdett, Anders Finer, and Henning Ludvigsen — Fantasy Flight Games;
- Flash Point: Fire Rescue, by Luis Francisco and George Patsouras — Indie Boards and Cards;
- A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition): by Tomasz Marek Jedruszek and henning Ludvigsen — Fantasy Flight Games.
Лучшая военная игра:
- A Few Acres of Snow: by Martin Wallace — Treefrog Games;
- Sekigahara: Unification of Japan: by Matt Calkins — GMT Games;
- Band of Brothers: by Jim Krohn — Worthington Games;
- Julius Caesar: by Grant Dalgliesh and Justin Thompson — Columbia Games;
- Sergeants Miniatures Game: Jeff Billings, Lost Battalion Games.
Лучшая тематическая игра:
- Flash Point: Fire Rescue: by Kevin Lanzing — Indie Boards and Cards;
- Dungeon Petz: by Vlaada Chvatil — Z-Man Games;
- Last Will: by Vladimir Suchy — Rio Grande Games;
- Yggdrasil: by Cedric Lefebvre and Fabrice Rabellino — Z-Man Games;
- Takenoko: by Antoine Bauza — Asmodee.
Лучшая игра в цифровом исполнении:
- Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer: by Robert Dougherty, John Fiorillo, Justin Gary, and Brian M. Kibler – iOS, Playdek;
- Ticket to Ride: by Alan R. Moon – iOS, Days of Wonder;
- Forbidden Island: by Matt Leacock, Gamewright – iOS, Button Mash Games;
- Ghost Stories: by Antoine Bauza — iOS, Repos Productions;
- Elder Sign: by Richard Launius and Kevin Wilson, Fantasy Flight Games.
Flash Point собрал аж три номинации. Неплохо…
Интересная номинация — Лучшее оформление. По мне, так это Elder Sign.
Раз уж Ghost Stories получил приз за лучшую цифру, неплохо бы издателю подумать о переносе и WhiteMoon в цифру. А то игру полмира ищет, а тираж прекращен.
Самую инновационную игру издал Hasbro:)
Это так символично))
Жаль, Sekigahara и Band of Brothers не смогли одолеть эту колодостроительную абстракцию, притворяющуюся варгеймом