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Сообщения - prcsdark3

I found the Market and Prophecy cards on Yucata and I use your file as a guide.

Use this file to do a russian version of the cards of the expansion!!


And where do I found that beautfull version made by cards??
I searching and I can't find the link.
Thank you for the editable file!
Somebody has the scans of 100 Swords???

The season 2 is on the kickstarter. I'm curious about this game...

I'l utterly waiting for this!
Цитата: weballin от 24 октября 2016, 19:38:49
Первая мысль - самовары... Тульские... Игра на составление сетов , или мемори?
Игра на составление сетов
rgenm, your .zip is empty...
In English!!!

Цитата: trauma_zero от 29 августа 2016, 17:22:49
bump ! Does anybody have scans or pnp, of this game. In english, pls
In my country (Brazil), we have Material Dourado, a educational tool using to teach math. It's easy to find in big stores...

Цитата: csfeher от 29 августа 2016, 10:56:05
Hi all,
And what about the cubes? Where do you find 120 wooden cubes for that - for cheap as well?
Any suggestions? Thank you!