[PnP Eng] Dice Hospital

Автор Cacta, 27 января 2019, 12:28:39

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Dice Hospital - a 1-4 player game. Roll, Treat, Discharge!

A worker placement and dice manipulation game! Featuring beautiful art, novel mechanics and a unique theme where the dice are patients!

KS: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/alleycatgames/dice-hospital-a-1-4-player-game-roll-treat-dischar
BGG: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/218121/dice-hospital
PnP: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/k41tl99xeqoe39j/AADwDDHvlTon_IfWNMzx_zyqa?dl=0


Amazing, thank you very much.


Just want to send out a thank you. :)
Old as dirt.


hi all and thanks for the pnp.
have you noticed that that the "critical patients" (3 black department tiles, 3 black specialists etc) expansions is missing from the expansion folder? does anyone have it?
    Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Yawgn, sgazer


It is kind of early PnP file. I have made my translation based on better quality sources. Will try to share...
    Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: zioCrock


Цитата: 2326smt от 20 ноября 2022, 21:10:19
It is kind of early PnP file. I have made my translation based on better quality sources. Will try to share...
I look forward to it


I cannot post it here, site saying it's a spam. Sorry. I have sent it in private message.
If possible please post it, maybe you'll have more luck with this.

Btw: anybody can tell me what the problem can be?
When commenting with links all the time lately get SPAM lock... :(


Цитата: 2326smt от 26 ноября 2022, 08:47:57
I cannot post it here, site saying it's a spam. Sorry. I have sent it in private message.
If possible please post it, maybe you'll have more luck with this.

Btw: anybody can tell me what the problem can be?
When commenting with links all the time lately get SPAM lock... :(

no pm for me  ???


    Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: nosso




It's working for me. Maybe this service is blocked in your country? I can reupload. Where?




Zippyshare is blocked in some countries. VPN will help you. For example, proton.me is a free one.
    Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: nosso