Игроки оценивают на BGG разные настольные игры, а тов. Pard добавляет к этим рейтингам количество пользователей BGG, которые реально в эти игры играют. Полученный результат он считает хорошим показателем интересности игр, и регулярно анализирует данные для разных категорий игр.
Как обычно, на диаграммах игры с более высоким рейтингом находятся выше, а те, в которые больше всего играют – правее. Чтобы посмотреть диаграмму в оригинальном разрешении, правой кнопкой мыши: Открыть картинку в новой вкладке (Chrome), Открыть изображение (Firefox). У некоторых игр есть ссылка – она ведёт на BGG список, и там можно посмотреть дополнительную информацию об игре (наличие пнп- или онлайн-версий, динамику изменения числа игроков по годам, русскоязычных материалов на BGG и т. д.)
Соло—игры (Solo Games)
В такие игры можно играть одному. Не в том смысле, чтобы делать ходы за всех игроков –так можно играть во все игры, – а реально состязаться. С учётом стремительности нашего времени и всё более частой невозможности собрать игровую компанию, соло-игры становятся всё более популярными. Под этим термином можно подразумевать разное: а) это может быть игра, с самого начала допускающая одиночную игру, или б) можно придумать правила, в том числе и с использование каких-то дополнительных элементов, чтобы в игру можно быть играть одному. Список лучших игр, для которых сольная игра входит в число лучших вариантов игры (указан средний BGG рейтинг и число BGG игроков в 2018 году):
1. The 7th Continent (2017) 8,43 + 4081
2. Mage Knight Board Game (2011) 8,11 + 2080
3. This War of Mine: The Board Game (2017) 7,92 + 2416
4. Sword & Sorcery (2017) 8,15 + 784
5. Nemos War (second edition) (2017) 8,07 + 854
6. Nusfjord (2017) 7,55 + 2358
7. Renegade (2018) 7,96 + 524
8. One Deck Dungeon (2016) 7,22 + 2692
9. Palm Island (2018) 7,55 + 1222
10. Skies Above the Reich(2018) 8,52 + 124
11. Friday (2011) 7,20 + 2533
12. Legacy of Dragonholt (2017) 7,49 + 1003
13. Sprawlopolis (2018) 7,49 + 963
14. Leaving Earth (2015) 7,83 + 418
15. The Lost Expedition (2017) 7,18 + 1851
16. Star Trek: Frontiers (2016) 7,96 + 267
17. V-Commandos (2016) 7,90 + 295
18. Fallout (2017) 7,05 + 2051
19. D-Day at Omaha Beach (2009) 8,24 + 128
20. Deep Space D-6 (2015) 7,38 + 856
21. The Castles of Burgundy: The Dice Game (2017) 6,97 + 2177
22. Dawn of the Zeds (Third edition) (2016) 8,24 + 106
23. Onirim (second edition) (2014) 7,15 + 1227
24. Dungeon Alliance (2018) 7,74 + 311
25. Four Against Darkness (2016) 7,68 + 324
26. One Deck Dungeon: Forest of Shadows (2017) 7,39 + 623
27. Escape Tales: The Awakening (2018) 7,70 + 301
28. Darkest Night (Second edition) (2018) 7,75 + 254
29. Coffee Roaster (2015) 7,84 + 193
30. Comancher?a: The Rise and Fall of the Comanche Empire (2016) 8,05 + 116
31. DreadBall (Second Edition) (2018) 8,51 + 39
32. Black Sonata (2017) 7,71 + 246
33. D100 Dungeon (2017) 7,86 + 172
34. Hostage Negotiator (2015) 7,03 + 1136
35. Gloom of Kilforth: A Fantasy Quest Game (2017) 7,60 + 297
36. Tiny Epic Defenders (Second Edition) (2018) 7,37 + 496
37. Deadball (2017) 8,57 + 30
38. Pavlovs House (2018) 8,02 + 104
39. Raiders of the Deep: U-boats of the Great War, 1914-18 (2018) 8,81 + 17
40. Thunderbolt Apache Leader (2012) 8,09 + 84
41. Warfighter: The WWII Tactical Combat Card Game (2016) 7,86 + 126
42. After The Virus (2017) 7,25 + 504
43. Space Hulk: Death Angel – The Card Game (2010) 6,99 + 868
44. Unbroken (2018) 7,81 + 122
45. Tramways Engineers Workbook (2018) 7,73 + 138
46. Nightfighter Ace: Air Defense Over Germany, 1943-44 (2018) 8,36 + 32
47. Warfighter: The Tactical Special Forces Card Game (2014) 7,76 + 114
48. Choose Your Own Adventure: House of Danger (2018) 6,76 + 1134
49. Enemy Coast Ahead: The Doolittle Raid (2017) 8,07 + 55
50. Orchard: A 9 card solitaire game (2018) 7,53 + 183
51. Fallout: Wasteland Warfare (2018) 8,05 + 56
52. Fields of Fire (2008) 7,77 + 102
53. Sylvion (2015) 7,20 + 366
54. Nautilion (2016) 7,34 + 254
55. B-17 Flying Fortress Leader (2017) 8,09 + 45
56. First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet (2017) 6,77 + 816
57. Stalingrad Inferno on the Volga (2018) 7,82 + 68
58. Target for Today (2017) 7,95 + 50
59. Desolate (2018) 7,65 + 100
60. Aerion (2019) 7,77 + 75
61. Firefly Adventures: Brigands and Browncoats (2018) 7,15 + 307
62. Goblivion (2018) 8,04 + 39
63. Finished! (2017) 6,86 + 594
64. Next War: Poland (2017) 8,21 + 26
65. Castellion (2015) 7,03 + 382
66. Konigsberg: The Soviet Attack on East Prussia, 1945 (2018) 8,21 + 25
67. Captive (2016) 7,31 + 200
68. Navajo Wars (2013) 7,96 + 43
69. RAF: The Battle of Britain 1940 (2009) 7,96 + 40
70. Mr. Cabbageheads Garden (2016) 7,29 + 183
71. The Lady and the Tiger (2017) 6,99 + 342
72. Flick em Up!: Dead of Winter (2017) 6,92 + 386
73. Field Commander: Napoleon (2011) 7,72 + 61
74. Limes (2014) 6,92 + 375
75. Silent Victory: U.S. Submarines in the Pacific, 1941-45 (2016) 8,04 + 27
76. Dawn of the Zeds (Second edition) (2013) 7,90 + 37
77. Small Islands (2018) 7,40 + 116
78. Arkham Noir: Case #1 – The Witch Cult Murders (2017) 7,00 + 281
79. Maidens Quest (2018) 7,32 + 133
80. Onirim (2010) 6,70 + 521
81. Gruff: Stuff of Nightmares (2018) 8,63 + 6
82. Healthy Heart Hospital (2015) 7,28 + 130
83. The Hunters: German U-Boats at War, 1939-43 (2013) 7,71 + 47
84. A4 Quest (2017) 7,15 + 167
85. Hornet Leader: Carrier Air Operations (2010) 7,90 + 28
86. Zulus on the Ramparts! (2009) 7,38 + 89
87. Space Marine Adventures: Labyrinth of the Necrons (2018) 7,36 + 79
88. Lucidity: Six-Sided Nightmares (2018) 6,54 + 522
89. Sherlock Holmes: Four Investigations (2014) 7,27 + 94
90. Welcome to Dino World (2017) 6,85 + 245
91. Pencils & Powers[/url] (2017) 7,61 + 37
92. Radetzky: Milano 1848 (2018) 7,38 + 54
93. D-Day Dice (2012) 6,85 + 173
94. Raging Bulls (2017) 7,10 + 97
95. Ambush! (1983) 7,41 + 41
96. SUPERHOT: The Card Game (2017) 6,52 + 293
97. 30 Rails (2016) 6,72 + 181
98. Page Quest SEASON 1: Mythical Artifacts (2018) 7,31 + 45
99. Wars of Marcus Aurelius: Rome 170-180CE (2018) 7,55 + 25
100. Patchwork Doodle (2019) 6,73 + 160Дополнительный список лучших игр, в которых есть возможность играть сольно, но неизвестно, входит ли эта возможность в число лучших вариантов игры:
1. Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (2012) 7,91 + 4032
2. The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth (2019) 8,37 + 827
3. Arkham Horror (Third Edition) (2018) 7,98 + 1191
4. The City of Kings (2018) 8,05 + 850
5. Obsession (2018) 8,08 + 456
6. Hardback (2018) 7,44 + 1782
7. Black Rose Wars (2019) 8,52 + 127
8. Street Masters (2018) 8,42 + 157
9. Mint Works (2017) 7,16 + 2236
10. Railroad Ink: Blazing Red Edition (2018) 7,30 + 1432
11. Menara (2018) 7,49 + 783
12. Freedom: The Underground Railroad (2012) 7,60 + 591
13. Call to Adventure (2019) 7,59 + 472
14. Rise to Nobility (2018) 7,08 + 1443
15. Sol: Last Days of a Star (2017) 7,64 + 376
16. Nations: The Dice Game (2014) 6,97 + 1718
17. Dice Settlers (2018) 7,05 + 1324
18. Mont?limar: Anvil of Fate (2018) 8,97 + 15
19. Coldwater Crown (2017) 7,41 + 456
20. Flatline (2017) 7,32 + 558
21. Dungeons & Dragons: Waterdeep – Dungeon of the Mad Mage (2019) 8,42 + 38
22. SteamRollers (2015) 6,88 + 1282
23. Unlock! Heroic Adventures (2018) 8,20 + 54
24. Gears of War: The Board Game (2011) 7,47 + 267
25. Bios: Genesis (2016) 7,23 + 462
26. On Tour (2019) 7,36 + 301
27. Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy (2013) 7,21 + 388
28. Minerva (2015) 7,01 + 564
29. Rescue Polar Bears: Data & Temperature (2017) 7,35 + 247
30. Avenue (2016) 6,95 + 615
31. Dawn of Peacemakers (2018) 7,71 + 105
32. Valley of the Kings: Last Rites (2016) 7,53 + 144
33. Songbirds (2016) 7,01 + 444
34. Bad Bones (2019) 7,29 + 227
35. Heropath: Dragon Roar (2018) 8,52 + 13
36. The Game: Extreme (2016) 7,04 + 380
37. (MetroX) (2018) 7,08 + 332
38. Dark Souls: The Card Game (2018) 7,13 + 292
39. Detective Stories. Fall 1: Das Feuer in Adlerstein (2018) 8,02 + 36
40. Samurai Spirit (2014) 6,73 + 647
41. Exit: The Game – The Catacombs of Horror (2018) 7,72 + 62
42. Yggdrasil (2011) 7,07 + 279
43. The Primary (2018) 8,11 + 25
44. Kick-Ass: The Board Game (2018) 7,46 + 102
45. Realm of Sand (2018) 7,05 + 259
46. Harbour (2015) 6,57 + 761
47. POWERUP (2018) 8,32 + 13
48. Hand of Fate: Ordeals (2018) 7,64 + 61
49. Pixel Glory: Light & Shadow (2018) 7,93 + 31
50. Thunderstone Advance: Worlds Collide (2014) 7,84 + 38И, наконец, лучшие игры, в которые рекомендуется играть сольно:
1. Gloomhaven (2017) 8,90 + 9300
2. Terraforming Mars (2016) 8,40 + 15734
3. Scythe (2016) 8,29 + 12258
4. Gaia Project (2017) 8,55 + 5253
5. Spirit Island (2017) 8,37 + 5962
6. The 7th Continent (2017) 8,43 + 3847
7. Arkham Horror: The Card Game (2016) 8,22 + 5177
8. Viticulture Essential Edition (2015) 8,15 + 6156
9. Kingdom Death: Monster (2015) 8,81 + 1162
10. Mansions of Madness: Second Edition (2016) 8,16 + 4810
11. Clans of Caledonia (2017) 8,06 + 5383
12. A Feast for Odin (2016) 8,18 + 3851
13. Sagrada (2017) 7,59 + 11497
14. Agricola (2007) 7,99 + 4460
15. Caverna: The Cave Farmers (2013) 8,07 + 3383
16. Too Many Bones (2017) 8,53 + 1162
17. Dinosaur Island (2017) 7,90 + 4798
18. Anachrony (2017) 8,13 + 2791
19. Too Many Bones: Undertow (2018) 8,98 + 378
20. Pandemic (2008) 7,64 + 8016
21. Lisboa (2017) 8,20 + 2175
22. Everdell (2018) 7,99 + 3258
23. Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (2012) 7,91 + 3631
24. Aeons End (2016) 8,06 + 2261
25. Welcome To… (2018) 7,67 + 5495
26. Chronicles of Crime (2018) 8,07 + 2151
27. Eldritch Horror (2013) 7,86 + 3403
28. Mage Knight Board Game (2011) 8,11 + 1877
29. Architects of the West Kingdom (2018) 7,94 + 2716
30. Teotihuacan: City of Gods (2018) 8,02 + 2275
31. Thats Pretty Clever (2018) 7,64 + 4895
32. Fields of Arle (2014) 8,14 + 1527
33. Pandemic: Iberia (2016) 8,00 + 2112
34. Aeons End: War Eternal (2017) 8,48 + 665
35. Nemesis (2018) 8,48 + 658
36. Le Havre (2008) 7,89 + 2544
37. This War of Mine: The Board Game (2017) 7,92 + 2275
38. The Gallerist (2015) 8,02 + 1776
39. Roll Player (2016) 7,53 + 4918
40. Agricola (Revised Edition) (2016) 8,14 + 1188
41. Vinhos Deluxe Edition (2016) 8,24 + 896
42. Santa Maria (2017) 7,62 + 3340
43. Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases (1981) 7,80 + 1965
44. Underwater Cities (2018) 8,03 + 1106
45. Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game (2012) 7,60 + 2850
46. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle (2016) 7,52 + 3313
47. Exit: The Game – The Abandoned Cabin (2016) 7,68 + 2224
48. Zombicide: Green Horde (2018) 8,00 + 1030
49. Nemos War (second edition) (2017) 8,07 + 854
50. Zombicide: Black Plague (2015) 7,74 + 1808
51. Sword & Sorcery (2017) 8,15 + 702
52. Imperial Settlers (2014) 7,48 + 3147
53. Suburbia (2012) 7,57 + 2522
54. Stuffed Fables (2018) 7,78 + 1548
55. Arkham Horror (Third Edition) (2018) 7,98 + 975
56. Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game (2014) 7,80 + 1430
57. The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire (2016) 7,82 + 1348
58. Tiny Epic Galaxies (2015) 7,40 + 3567
59. Star Realms: Frontiers (2018) 8,13 + 615
60. The City of Kings (2018) 8,05 + 740
61. Burgle Bros. (2015) 7,62 + 1924
62. Escape the Dark Castle (2017) 8,11 + 595
63. Nusfjord (2017) 7,55 + 2135
64. Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures (2017) 7,93 + 870
65. The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011) 7,64 + 1689
66. Exit: The Game – Dead Man on the Orient Express (2017) 7,93 + 835
67. La Granja (2014) 7,71 + 1369
68. Black Orchestra (2016) 7,54 + 1921
69. Gugong (2018) 7,66 + 1450
70. Newton (2018) 7,72 + 1246
71. Dungeon Degenerates: Hand of Doom (2017) 8,63 + 155
72. The Reckoners (2018) 8,04 + 557
73. Wendake (2017) 7,72 + 1108
74. Nations (2013) 7,67 + 1236
75. Deep Madness (2018) 8,20 + 365
76. AuZtralia (2018) 7,62 + 1361
77. Pandemic: Fall of Rome (2018) 7,90 + 677
78. Kitchen Rush (2017) 7,54 + 1565
79. Darklight: Memento Mori (2018) 8,73 + 100
80. Ex Libris (2017) 7,29 + 2734
81. High Frontier (Third Edition) (2017) 8,44 + 188
82. Lewis & Clark (2013) 7,52 + 1557
83. My Little Scythe (2017) 7,54 + 1448
84. 51st State: Master Set (2016) 7,70 + 960
85. Glass Road (2013) 7,46 + 1676
86. The Edge: Dawnfall (2018) 8,53 + 140
87. Flash Point: Fire Rescue (2011) 7,24 + 2752
88. Hardback (2018) 7,44 + 1710
89. Forbidden Desert (2013) 7,20 + 2878
90. Obsession (2018) 8,08 + 376
91. Caverna: Cave vs Cave (2017) 7,31 + 2209
92. Renegade (2018) 7,96 + 476
93. Street Masters (2018) 8,42 + 157
94. GKR: Heavy Hitters (2018) 7,83 + 616
95. Skies Above the Reich (2018) 8,52 + 124
96. One Deck Dungeon (2016) 7,22 + 2443
97. Ora et Labora (2011) 7,72 + 760
98. Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu (2016) 7,45 + 1355
99. The Colonists (2016) 7,76 + 674
100. Cerebria: The Inside World (2018) 7,97 + 411
Reiner Knizia (автор)
1. The Quest for El Dorado (2017) 7,54 + 3607
2. Tigris & Euphrates (1997) 7,71 + 1727 (Тигр и Евфрат, Мир хобби)
3. Ra (1999) 7,47 + 2070
4. Lost Cities (1999) 7,15 + 4086 (Затерянные города, Звезда)
5. Yellow & Yangtze (2018) 8,08 + 473
6. Modern Art (1992) 7,37 + 2185
7. Battle Line (2000) 7,42 + 1491
8. Samurai (1998) 7,44 + 1160 (Самурай, Астрель игры)
9. Schotten Totten (1999) 7,31 + 1315
10. Blue Lagoon (2018) 7,30 + 1165 (Голубая лагуна, Звезда)
11. High Society (1995) 6,93 + 2296 (Высшее общество, Гага игры)
12. Ingenious (2004) 7,14 + 1348 (Гениальность, Мир хобби)
13. Amun-Re (2003) 7,33 + 686 (Амон-Ра, Звезда)
14. Through the Desert (1998) 7,06 + 1221
15. Medici (1995) 7,14 + 896
16. Taj Mahal (2000) 7,31 + 461
17. Pickomino (2005) 6,55 + 1731
18. Lost Cities: Rivals (2018) 6,99 + 595
19. Winners Circle (2001) 6,97 + 538 (Круг чемпионов, Мир хобби)
20. Blue Moon City (2006) 7,05 + 396
21. Dream Factory (2000) 7,07 + 346
22. Indigo (2012) 6,87 + 528
23. Age of War (2014) 6,42 + 1307
24. Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation (2002) 7,21 + 208
25. Lord of the Rings (2000) 6,76 + 575
26. Medici: The Card Game (2016) 6,80 + 461
27. Voodoo Prince (2017) 6,95 + 317
28. Lost Cities: The Board Game (2008) 6,80 + 400 (Затерянные города 2, Звезда)
29. Stephensons Rocket (1999) 6,88 + 256
30. Colossal Arena (1997) 6,78 + 307
31. Circus Flohcati (1998) 6,62 + 438
32. Qin (2012) 6,80 + 290
33. Ribbit (2004) 6,77 + 284 (Черепашьи бега, Мир хобби)
34. Ingenious: Travel Edition (2006) 7,11 + 124
35. Ra: The Dice Game (2009) 6,77 + 273
36. Kingdoms (1994) 6,64 + 316
37. Sakura (2018) 6,60 + 321
38. Wildlife Safari (1994) 6,62 + 297
39. Amun-Re: The Card Game (2017) 6,75 + 217
40. Keltis (2008) 6,43 + 425
41. Kings Road (2017) 6,66 + 248
42. Whoowasit? (2007) 6,85 + 136
43. Friday the 13th (2005) 6,45 + 342
44. FITS (2009) 6,61 + 239
45. Loot (1992) 6,30 + 463 (На абордаж!, Стиль жизни)
46. Axio (2017) 6,73 + 172
47. Keltis: Das Kartenspiel (2009) 6,72 + 159
48. Criss Cross (2017) 6,36 + 358
49. Masters Gallery (2009) 6,61 + 172
50. Priests of Ra (2009) 6,86 + 93
51. Cheeky Monkey (2007) 6,60 + 167
52. Blue Moon (2004) 6,71 + 128
53. Rondo (2012) 6,56 + 165
54. Money! (1999) 6,53 + 171
55. Sushizock im Gockelwok (2008) 6,47 + 199
56. Kariba (2010) 6,55 + 155
57. Lost Cities: To Go (2018) 6,76 + 84
58. Zero Down (1998) 6,44 + 168
59. Keltis: Der Weg der Steine Mitbringspiel (2009) 6,45 + 160
60. Keltis: Das Orakel (2010) 6,93 + 50
61. Strozzi (2008) 6,74 + 78
62. Formula Motor Racing (1995) 6,40 + 168
63. Penguin Party (2008) 6,39 + 170
64. Excape (1998) 6,32 + 192
65. Razzia! (2004) 6,82 + 56
66. Mmm! (2015) 6,40 + 146 (Мышиная команда, Стиль жизни)
67. Tower of Babel (2005) 6,64 + 78
68. Reiner Knizias Decathlon (2003) 6,25 + 187
69. Palazzo (2005) 6,55 + 91
70. Merchants of Amsterdam (2000) 6,72 + 53
71. Orongo (2014) 6,58 + 69
72. J?ger und Sammler (2010) 6,70 + 52
73. Keltis: Das W?rfelspiel (2012) 6,46 + 90
74. Yangtze (2016) 6,65 + 58
75. Spectaculum (2012) 6,43 + 93
76. Forbidden City (2018) 6,29 + 126
77. Rheinl?nder (1999) 6,61 + 59
78. Municipium (2008) 6,70 + 47
79. En Garde (1993) 6,48 + 72
80. Abandon Ship (2008) 6,33 + 100
81. Medici vs Strozzi (2006) 6,52 + 58
82. Quo Vadis? (1992) 6,44 + 68
83. Beowulf: The Legend (2005) 6,37 + 74
84. Zen Master (2010) 6,29 + 89
85. Star Trek: Expeditions (2011) 6,50 + 54
86. Drachenhort (2015) 6,70 + 34
87. Too Many Cooks (2002) 6,34 + 76
88. Tajemnicze podziemia (2016) 6,62 + 37
89. Merchants (2007) 6,59 + 39
90. Times Square (2006) 6,31 + 73
91. Bee Alert (2012) 6,57 + 37
92. Schatz der Drachen (2003) 6,62 + 31
93. POW! (2016) 6,22 + 79
94. Callisto (2015) 6,64 + 29
95. Great Wall of China (2006) 6,21 + 76
96. Khan of Khans (2016) 6,01 + 116
97. Risk Express (2006) 6,27 + 61
98. Schollen Rollen (2017) 6,05 + 99
99. Hungry (1995) 6,35 + 49
100. Callisto: The Game (2009) 6,19 + 68
Самые популярные в 2004-2018 настольные игры
На диаграмме: по вертикали – число лет, когда игра входила в Топ 10 самых популярных игр, по горизонтали – суммарное число BGG игроков по каждому году, с 2004-го по 2018-й. Популярность настольных игр по видам с годами не меняется (показана доля игроков, суммарно для всех игр, вошедших в Топ 1000):
Далее – Топ 10 по отдельным видам игр.
1. Puerto Rico (2002) 740
2. San Juan (2004) 549
3. Attika (2003) 421
4. Saint Petersburg (2004) 396
5. Power Grid (2004) 389
6. Tigris & Euphrates (1997) 377
7. Goa (2004) 374
8. Citadels (2000) 368
9. El Grande (1995) 315
10. The Princes of Florence (2000) 312
1. Puerto Rico (2002) 1274
2. Power Grid (2004) 917
3. San Juan (2004) 900
4. Citadels (2000) 834
5. Tigris & Euphrates (1997) 757
6. Through the Desert (1998) 695
7. Saint Petersburg (2004) 656
8. Ra (1999) 607
9. The Princes of Florence (2000) 594
10. Samurai (1998) 579
1. Puerto Rico (2002) 1845
2. Caylus (2005) 1703
3. Power Grid (2004) 1511
4. Thurn and Taxis (2006) 1264
5. Ra (1999) 1236
6. Citadels (2000) 1196
7. San Juan (2004) 1194
8. Through the Desert (1998) 1048
9. Tigris & Euphrates (1997) 1031
10. Railways of the World (2005) 928
1. Puerto Rico (2002) 2631
2. Power Grid (2004) 2218
3. Citadels (2000) 1777
4. Ra (1999) 1695
5. Thurn and Taxis (2006) 1681
6. Caylus (2005) 1637
7. San Juan (2004) 1625
8. The Pillars of the Earth (2006) 1521
9. Notre Dame (2007) 1441
10. Tigris & Euphrates (1997) 1426
1. Agricola (2007) 4386
2. Race for the Galaxy (2007) 3591
3. Pandemic (2008) 3327
4. Puerto Rico (2002) 3073
5. Power Grid (2004) 3012
6. Dominion (2008) 2481
7. Stone Age (2008) 2147
8. Citadels (2000) 2116
9. Ra (1999) 1734
10. San Juan (2004) 1654
1. Dominion (2008) 6447
2. Agricola (2007) 5662
3. Pandemic (2008) 5225
4. Small World (2009) 4186
5. Race for the Galaxy (2007) 4150
6. Power Grid (2004) 3667
7. Puerto Rico (2002) 3357
8. Stone Age (2008) 3065
9. Citadels (2000) 2675
10. Le Havre (2000) 2534
1. Dominion (2008) 6275
2. Agricola (2007) 5002
3. Pandemic (2008) 4559
4. Small World (2009) 4462
5. Race for the Galaxy (2007) 3731
6. Puerto Rico (2002) 3700
7. Power Grid (2004) 3505
8. Stone Age (2008) 3176
9. Citadels (2000) 2758
10. Dungeon Lords (2009) 2543
1. 7 Wonders (2010) 7556
2. Dominion (2008) 6117
3. Agricola (2007) 4833
4. Pandemic (2008) 4000
5. Small World (2009) 3884
6. Puerto Rico (2002) 3665
7. Race for the Galaxy (2007) 3636
8. Power Grid (2004) 3596
9. Stone Age (2008) 3356
10. Citadels (2000) 2859
1. 7 Wonders (2010) 7477
2. Dominion (2008) 6009
3. Agricola (2007) 4984
4. Lords of Waterdeep (2012) 4239
5. Pandemic (2008) 4229
6. Eclipse (2011) 4190
7. Small World (2009) 3961
8. Power Grid (2004) 3810
9. Puerto Rico (2002) 3752
10. Stone Age (2008) 3734
1. 7 Wonders (2010) 7785
2. Dominion (2008) 5967
3. Pandemic (2008) 5449
4. Lords of Waterdeep (2012) 5394
5. Agricola (2007) 5373
6. Tzolkin: The Mayan Calendar (2012) 4595
7. Terra Mystica (2012) 4258
8. Small World (2009) 4131
9. Power Grid (2004) 3988
10. The Castles of Burgundy (2011) 3955
1. 7 Wonders (2010) 8517
2. Pandemic (2008) 6707
3. Dominion (2008) 6017
4. Lords of Waterdeep (2012) 5774
5. Terra Mystica (2012) 4931
6. Agricola (2007) 4674
7. The Castles of Burgundy (2011) 4632
8. Small World (2009) 4455
9. Caverna: The Cave Farmers (2013) 4291
10. Power Grid (2004) 4238
1. 7 Wonders (2010) 9737
2. Pandemic (2008) 7993
3. Dominion (2008) 6595
4. Roll for the Galaxy (2014) 6401
5. Five Tribes (2014) 6302
6. Star Realms (2014) 5754
7. Lords of Waterdeep (2012) 5708
8. The Castles of Burgundy (2011) 5639
9. Castles of Mad King Ludwig (2014) 5477
10. Terra Mystica (2012) 5159
1. 7 Wonders Duel (2015) 10200
2. 7 Wonders (2010) 9768
3. Pandemic (2008) 8709
4. Scythe (2016) 7753
5. Dominion (2008) 6766
6. The Castles of Burgundy (2011) 6709
7. Blood Rage (2015) 6643
8. Roll for the Galaxy (2014) 6554
9. Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King (2015) 6174
10. Five Tribes (2014) 5964
1. Terraforming Mars (2016) 13853
2. Scythe (2016) 12234
3. 7 Wonders Duel (2015) 11520
4. 7 Wonders (2010) 10919
5. Pandemic (2008) 9056
6. Great Western Trail (2016) 8097
7. The Castles of Burgundy (2011) 7816
8. Dominion (2008) 7192
9. Blood Rage (2015) 6551
10. Lords of Waterdeep (2012) 6539
1. Terraforming Mars (2016) 15734
2. Scythe (2016) 12258
3. 7 Wonders (2010) 10962
4. 7 Wonders Duel (2015) 10486
5. Gloomhaven (2017) 9300
6. The Castles of Burgundy (2011) 8512
7. Pandemic (2008) 8016
8. Great Western Trail (2016) 7707
9. Rising Sun (2018) 7177
10. Concordia (2013) 6914
1. Ticket to Ride (2004) 750
2. Carcassonne (2000) 598
3. Catan (1995) 591
4. Bohnanza (1997) 410
5. Lost Cities (1999) 385
6. Alhambra (2003) 383
7. Coloretto (2003) 285
8. TransAmerica (2001) 283
9. Carcassonne: The Castle (2003) 260
10. Fearsome Floors (2003) 255
1. Ticket to Ride (2004) 1289
2. Carcassonne (2000) 1128
3. Catan (1995) 1113
4. Lost Cities (1999) 869
5. Ticket to Ride: Europe (2005) 861
6. Bohnanza (1997) 809
7. Alhambra (2003) 754
8. 6 nimmt! (1994) 576
9. For Sale (1997) 552
10. Coloretto (2003) 508
1. Carcassonne (2000) 1817
2. Catan (1995) 1814
3. Ticket to Ride (2004) 1585
4. Lost Cities (1999) 1302
5. Bohnanza (1997) 1169
6. Alhambra (2003) 1152
7. Ticket to Ride: Europe (2005) 1059
8. For Sale (1997) 913
9. Hey, Thats My Fish! (2003) 913
10. Ticket to Ride: M?rklin (2006) 859
1. Carcassonne (2000) 2742
2. Catan (1995) 2599
3. Ticket to Ride (2004) 2130
4. Lost Cities (1999) 1886
5. Bohnanza (1997) 1664
6. Zooloretto (2007) 1419
7. Alhambra (2003) 1386
8. Hey, Thats My Fish! (2003) 1376
9. Ticket to Ride: Europe (2005) 1279
10. For Sale (1997) 1278
1. Carcassonne (2000) 3287
2. Catan (1995) 3055
3. Ticket to Ride (2004) 2590
4. Lost Cities (1999) 2093
5. Bohnanza (1997) 2080
6. Alhambra (2003) 1645
7. Zooloretto (2007) 1641
8. Ticket to Ride: Europe (2005) 1613
9. Diamant (2005) 1419
10. Hey, Thats My Fish! (2003) 1363
1. Carcassonne (2000) 3804
2. Catan (1995) 3564
3. Ticket to Ride (2004) 2909
4. Bohnanza (1997) 2441
5. Lost Cities (1999) 2191
6. Roll Through the Ages: The Bronze Age (2008) 2083
7. Alhambra (2003) 1969
8. Ticket to Ride: Europe (2005) 1922
9. For Sale (1997) 1599
10. Diamant (2005) 1582
1. Carcassonne (2000) 4135
2. Catan (1995) 3607
3. Ticket to Ride (2004) 2895
4. Bohnanza (1997) 2388
5. Roll Through the Ages: The Bronze Age (2008) 2311
6. Forbidden Island (2010) 2124
7. Ticket to Ride: Europe (2005) 2078
8. Lost Cities (1999) 2077
9. Alhambra (2003) 1945
10. Tobago (2009) 1876
1. Carcassonne (2000) 4402
2. Catan (1995) 3681
3. Ticket to Ride (2004) 3377
4. Forbidden Island (2010) 3069
5. Bohnanza (1997) 2413
6. Ticket to Ride: Europe (2005) 2216
7. Lost Cities (1999) 1997
8. Roll Through the Ages: The Bronze Age (2008) 1919
9. Survive: Escape from Atlantis! (1982) 1892
10. King of Tokyo (2011) 1889
1. Carcassonne (2000) 4817
2. King of Tokyo (2011) 4365
3. Catan (1995) 4213
4. Ticket to Ride (2004) 4015
5. Kingdom Builder (2011) 3138
6. Forbidden Island (2010) 2704
7. Ticket to Ride: Europe (2005) 2580
8. Bohnanza (1997) 2543
9. Flash Point: Fire Rescue (2011) 2297
10. Lost Cities (1999) 2129
1. King of Tokyo (2011) 7263
2. Love Letter (2012) 6866
3. Carcassonne (2000) 5315
4. Catan (1995) 4430
5. Ticket to Ride (2004) 4388
6. Hanabi (2010) 4332
7. Escape: The Curse of the Temple (2012) 3296
8. Forbidden Island (2010) 3157
9. Kingdom Builder (2011) 3119
10. Ticket to Ride: Europe (2005) 2894
1. Love Letter (2012) 9079
2. King of Tokyo (2011) 8091
3. Splendor (2014) 6419
4. Carcassonne (2000) 6148
5. Hanabi (2010) 5837
6. Ticket to Ride (2004) 5261
7. Catan (1995) 4625
8. Machi Koro (2012) 4216
9. Takenoko (2011) 4191
10. Ticket to Ride: Europe (2005) 3495
1. Splendor (2014) 10485
2. Love Letter (2012) 8632
3. Machi Koro (2012) 7186
4. King of Tokyo (2011) 7114
5. Carcassonne (2000) 6814
6. Sushi Go! (2013) 6546
7. Hanabi (2010) 5831
8. Ticket to Ride (2004) 5490
9. Colt Express (2014) 5272
10. Camel Up (2014) 5026
1. Splendor (2014) 10792
2. Carcassonne (2000) 7777
3. Love Letter (2012) 7734
4. King of Tokyo (2011) 7292
5. Sushi Go! (2013) 6964
6. Ticket to Ride (2004) 5994
7. Hanabi (2010) 5469
8. Takenoko (2011) 5244
9. Catan (1995) 5214
10. Colt Express (2014) 5209
1. Splendor (2014) 11981
2. Kingdomino (2016) 10824
3. Carcassonne (2000) 9287
4. Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure (2016) 8382
5. King of Tokyo (2011) 8237
6. Love Letter (2012) 7864
7. Century: Spice Road (2017) 7506
8. Sushi Go! (2013) 6687
9. Ticket to Ride (2004) 6513
10. Catan (1995) 6279
1. Kingdomino (2016) 11538
2. Sagrada (2017) 11497
3. Splendor (2014) 11274
4. Carcassonne (2000) 9385
5. The Mind (2018) 7882
6. King of Tokyo (2011) 7840
7. Century: Spice Road (2017) 7649
8. Photosynthesis (2017) 7258
9. Love Letter (2012) 7214
10. Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure (2016) 7051
1. Betrayal at House on the Hill (2004) 231
2. Lord of the Rings (2000) 230
3. Heroscape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie (2004) 216
4. War of the Ring (First Edition) (2004) 200
5. Runebound (First Edition) (2004) 176
6. Formula D? (1991) 154
7. Munchkin (2001) 138
8. Star Wars: Epic Duels (2002) 96
9. Zombies!!! (2001) 86
10. Dungeoneer: Tomb of the Lich Lord (2003) 58
1. Shadows over Camelot (2005) 935
2. Arkham Horror (2005) 459
3. War of the Ring (First Edition) (2004) 455
4. Heroscape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie (2004) 441
5. Lord of the Rings (2000) 423
6. Betrayal at House on the Hill (2004) 396
7. Formula D? (1991) 316
8. Doom: The Boardgame (2004) 299
9. Munchkin (2001) 266
10. Runebound (First Edition) (2004) 199
1. Shadows over Camelot (2005) 1009
2. Arkham Horror (2005) 729
3. Fury of Dracula (Second Edition) (2005) 588
4. Betrayal at House on the Hill (2004) 572
5. Heroscape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie (2004) 525
6. Descent: Journeys in the Dark (2005) 522
7. Lord of the Rings (2000) 491
8. Nexus Ops (2005) 484
9. War of the Ring (First Edition) (2004) 473
10. Formula D? (1991) 428
1. Arkham Horror (2005) 1396
2. Shadows over Camelot (2005) 1166
3. Nexus Ops (2005) 962
4. Formula D? (1991) 748
5. Descent: Journeys in the Dark (2005) 702
6. Betrayal at House on the Hill (2004) 693
7. Fury of Dracula (Second Edition) (2005) 676
8. Lord of the Rings (2000) 647
9. Last Night on Earth: The Zombie Game (2007) 603
10. Heroscape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie (2004) 545
1. Arkham Horror (2005) 1958
2. Galaxy Trucker (2007) 1738
3. Shadows over Camelot (2005) 1464
4. Last Night on Earth: The Zombie Game (2007) 1451
5. Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game (2008) 1036
6. Descent: Journeys in the Dark (2005) 908
7. Nexus Ops (2005) 841
8. Lord of the Rings (2000) 806
9. StarCraft: The Board Game (2007) 801
10. Fury of Dracula (Second Edition) (2005) 733
1. Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game (2008) 3355
2. Arkham Horror (2005) 2423
3. Galaxy Trucker (2007) 2418
4. Shadows over Camelot (2005) 1448
5. Space Alert (2008) 1434
6. Last Night on Earth: The Zombie Game (2007) 1377
7. Cosmic Encounter (2008) 1332
8. Tales of the Arabian Nights (2009) 1068
9. Descent: Journeys in the Dark (2005) 1006
10. Space Hulk (third edition) (2009) 912
1. Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game (2008) 2573
2. Arkham Horror (2005) 2378
3. Galaxy Trucker (2007) 1958
4. Dungeons & Dragons: Castle Ravenloft Board Game (2010) 1491
5. Last Night on Earth: The Zombie Game (2007) 1412
6. Cosmic Encounter (2008) 1347
7. Shadows over Camelot (2005) 1339
8. Space Alert (2008) 1118
9. The Adventurers: The Temple of Chac (2009) 1117
10. Betrayal at House on the Hill (2004) 1075
1. Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game (2008) 2641
2. Arkham Horror (2005) 2414
3. Mansions of Madness (2011) 2190
4. Merchants & Marauders (2010) 2028
5. Galaxy Trucker (2007) 1759
6. Space Hulk: Death Angel – The Card Game (2010) 1560
7. Cosmic Encounter (2008) 1499
8. Elder Sign (2011) 1399
9. Dungeons & Dragons: Castle Ravenloft Board Game (2010) 1351
10. Discworld: Ankh-Morpork (2011) 1345
1. Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game (2008) 2545
2. Arkham Horror (2005) 2328
3. Elder Sign (2011) 2115
4. Galaxy Trucker (2007) 2093
5. Cosmic Encounter (2008) 1795
6. Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game (2011) 1732
7. Discworld: Ankh-Morpork (2011) 1652
8. Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) (2012) 1590
9. Merchants & Marauders (2010) 1377
10. Munchkin (2001) 1362
1. Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game (2008) 2796
2. Sentinels of the Multiverse (2011) 2587
3. Galaxy Trucker (2007) 2579
4. Arkham Horror (2005) 2482
5. Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game (2012) 2419
6. Elder Sign (2011) 2393
7. Zombicide (2012) 2204
8. Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) (2012) 2201
9. Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords – Base Set (2013) 2146
10. Cosmic Encounter (2008) 2023
1. Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (2012) 3901
2. Eldritch Horror (2013) 3621
3. Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords – Base Set (2013) 2914
4. Sentinels of the Multiverse (2011) 2848
5. Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game (2008) 2711
6. Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game (2014) 2695
7. Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game (2012) 2638
8. Cosmic Encounter (2008) 2527
9. Betrayal at House on the Hill (2004) 2521
10. Galaxy Trucker (2007) 2429
1. Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game (2014) 7370
2. Star Wars: Imperial Assault (2014) 3824
3. Eldritch Horror (2013) 3711
4. Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (2012) 3545
5. Betrayal at House on the Hill (2004) 3385
6. Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 (2015) 3241
7. Mysterium (2015) 3078
8. Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game (2012) 2860
9. XCOM: The Board Game (2015) 2770
10. Cosmic Encounter (2008) 2729
1. Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 (2015) 7675
2. Mysterium (2015) 6314
3. Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game (2014) 6248
4. T.I.M.E Stories (2015) 4708
5. The Grizzled (2015) 4292
6. Betrayal at House on the Hill (2004) 4152
7. Eldritch Horror (2013) 3863
8. Star Wars: Rebellion (2016) 3861
9. Above and Below (2015) 3661
10. Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (2012) 3493
1. Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 (2015) 7033
2. Mysterium (2015) 6748
3. Mansions of Madness: Second Edition (2016) 5465
4. Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game (2014) 4819
5. T.I.M.E Stories (2015) 4651
6. Betrayal at House on the Hill (2004) 4403
7. Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (2012) 4368
8. Star Wars: Rebellion (2016) 4069
9. Eldritch Horror (2013) 3935
10. The Grizzled (2015) 3439
1. Mysterium (2015) 5641
2. Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 (2015) 4894
3. Mansions of Madness: Second Edition (2016) 4810
4. Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 (2017) 4371
5. The 7th Continent (2017) 3847
6. Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game (2014) 3646
7. Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (2012) 3631
8. Betrayal at House on the Hill (2004) 3534
9. Eldritch Horror (2013) 3403
10. T.I.M.E Stories (2015) 3090
1. BANG! (2002) 377
2. Apples to Apples (1999) 210
3. Werewolf (1986) 99
4. Cranium (1998) 81
5. Pit (1903) 81
6. The Great Dalmuti (1995) 60
7. Times Up! (1999) 56
8. Taboo (1989) 53
9. Smarty Party! (2003) 46
10. Attribute (2002) 43
1. BANG! (2002) 647
2. Apples to Apples (1999) 390
3. Werewolf (1986) 289
4. The Great Dalmuti (1995) 155
5. Times Up! (1999) 149
6. Pit (1903) 132
7. Cranium (1998) 115
8. Taboo (1989) 103
9. Jungle Speed (1997) 101
10. Smarty Party! (2003) 86
1. BANG! (2002) 1083
2. Apples to Apples (1999) 665
3. Werewolf (1986) 433
4. Wits & Wagers (2005) 383
5. Ca$h n Gun$ (2005) 348
6. Times Up! (1999) 230
7. The Great Dalmuti (1995) 220
8. Jungle Speed (1997) 197
9. Pit (1903) 188
10. Cranium (1998) 147
1. BANG! (2002) 1321
2. Ca$h n Gun$ (2005) 938
3. Apples to Apples (1999) 841
4. Wits & Wagers (2005) 765
5. Werewolf (1986) 417
6. Jungle Speed (1997) 309
7. Times Up! (1999) 302
8. The Werewolves of Millers Hollow (2001) 299
9. The Great Dalmuti (1995) 291
10. Tumblin-Dice (2004) 283
1. BANG! (2002) 1219
2. Ca$h n Gun$ (2005) 1146
3. Wits & Wagers (2005) 979
4. Apples to Apples (1999) 968
5. Werewolf (1986) 425
6. The Werewolves of Millers Hollow (2001) 424
7. Jungle Speed (1997) 393
8. Zombie Fluxx (2007) 372
9. Times Up! (1999) 362
10. Say Anything (2008) 356
1. BANG! (2002) 1426
2. Ca$h n Gun$ (2005) 1183
3. Wits & Wagers (2005) 1164
4. Apples to Apples (1999) 1022
5. Dixit (2008) 858
6. Shadow Hunters (2005) 799
7. Say Anything (2008) 548
8. The Werewolves of Millers Hollow (2001) 543
9. Jungle Speed (1997) 543
10. Monty Python Fluxx (2008) 472
1. Dixit (2008) 2816
2. BANG! (2002) 1317
3. Ca$h n Gun$ (2005) 1139
4. Wits & Wagers (2005) 1074
5. Shadow Hunters (2005) 1012
6. Apples to Apples (1999) 966
7. Zombie Dice (2010) 833
8. The Resistance (2009) 666
9. Jungle Speed (1997) 628
10. The Werewolves of Millers Hollow (2001) 520
1. Dixit (2008) 3307
2. The Resistance (2009) 2691
3. BANG! (2002) 1352
4. Zombie Dice (2010) 1104
5. Wits & Wagers (2005) 1071
6. Ca$h n Gun$ (2005) 1033
7. Apples to Apples (1999) 946
8. Shadow Hunters (2005) 933
9. Dixit: Odyssey (2011) 675
10. Jungle Speed (1997) 644
1. The Resistance (2009) 3163
2. Dixit (2008) 3061
3. Zombie Dice (2010) 1488
4. BANG! (2002) 1385
5. Dixit: Odyssey (2011) 1126
6. Ca$h n Gun$ (2005) 1123
7. Wits & Wagers (2005) 1058
8. Shadow Hunters (2005) 951
9. Apples to Apples (1999) 869
10. Spot it! (2009) 792
1. The Resistance (2009) 3925
2. Dixit (2008) 3418
3. Coup (2012) 2739
4. The Resistance: Avalon (2012) 2286
5. Zombie Dice (2010) 1932
6. Mascarade (2013) 1412
7. BANG! (2002) 1359
8. Wits & Wagers (2005) 1146
9. Dixit: Odyssey (2011) 1145
10. Shadow Hunters (2005) 1112
1. Coup (2012) 5611
2. Dixit (2008) 4008
3. The Resistance (2009) 3914
4. The Resistance: Avalon (2012) 3101
5. BANG! The Dice Game (2013) 3077
6. One Night Ultimate Werewolf (2014) 2722
7. Zombie Dice (2010) 2079
8. Mascarade (2013) 2072
9. Concept (2013) 2007
10. Sheriff of Nottingham (2014) 1428
1. Codenames (2015) 7275
2. Coup (2012) 5340
3. Sheriff of Nottingham (2014) 5292
4. Dixit (2008) 4714
5. Spyfall (2014) 4416
6. The Resistance (2009) 4069
7. One Night Ultimate Werewolf (2014) 3856
8. BANG! The Dice Game (2013) 3489
9. The Resistance: Avalon (2012) 2984
10. Concept (2013) 2804
1. Codenames (2015) 15407
2. Sheriff of Nottingham (2014) 5010
3. Dixit (2008) 4977
4. Spyfall (2014) 4903
5. Coup (2012) 4607
6. BANG! The Dice Game (2013) 3461
7. Codenames: Pictures (2016) 3451
8. One Night Ultimate Werewolf (2014) 3358
9. The Resistance (2009) 3271
10. Deception: Murder in Hong Kong (2014) 3181
1. Codenames (2015) 13283
2. Dixit (2008) 5474
3. Codenames: Pictures (2016) 5464
4. Captain Sonar (2016) 5102
5. Coup (2012) 4756
6. Sheriff of Nottingham (2014) 4709
7. Deception: Murder in Hong Kong (2014) 4171
8. BANG! The Dice Game (2013) 3896
9. Spyfall (2014) 3760
10. One Night Ultimate Werewolf (2014) 3389
1. Codenames (2015) 10991
2. Dixit (2008) 5354
3. Decrypto (2018) 4130
4. Coup (2012) 4094
5. Deception: Murder in Hong Kong (2014) 4029
6. Sheriff of Nottingham (2014) 3977
7. Exploding Kittens (2015) 3575
8. Codenames: Pictures (2016) 3469
9. Captain Sonar (2016) 3317
10. BANG! The Dice Game (2013) 3289
1. Clans (2002) 207
2. Blokus (2000) 196
3. Ingenious (2004) 193
4. YINSH (2003) 141
5. DVONN (2001) 116
6. Ricochet Robots (1999) 113
7. Coda (2002) 106
8. Kahuna (1998) 96
9. Chess (1475) 94
10. Pueblo (2002) 91
1. Ingenious (2004) 583
2. Blokus (2000) 547
3. Clans (2002) 260
4. YINSH (2003) 228
5. Chess (1475) 207
6. Ricochet Robots (1999) 190
7. Z?RTZ (1999) 182
8. DVONN (2001) 178
9. Kahuna (1998) 174
10. Blokus 3D (2003) 165
1. Ingenious (2004) 904
2. Blokus (2000) 767
3. Hive (2001) 490
4. Tsuro (2004) 483
5. Chess (1475) 360
6. Clans (2002) 340
7. YINSH (2003) 323
8. Ricochet Robots (1999) 275
9. Blokus 3D (2003) 243
10. Backgammon (-3000) 225
1. Ingenious (2004) 1339
2. Blokus (2000) 1076
3. Hive (2001) 918
4. Tsuro (2004) 761
5. Chess (1475) 446
6. Clans (2002) 408
7. Ricochet Robots (1999) 387
8. YINSH (2003) 382
9. Qwirkle (2006) 346
10. SET (1988) 336
1. Ingenious (2004) 1465
2. Hive (2001) 1307
3. Blokus (2000) 1230
4. Tsuro (2004) 732
5. Blokus 3D (2003) 568
6. Qwirkle (2006) 561
7. Chess (1475) 559
8. YINSH (2003) 424
9. SET (1988) 392
10. Ricochet Robots (1999) 373
1. Ingenious (2004) 1647
2. Hive (2001) 1464
3. Blokus (2000) 1346
4. FITS (2009) 1049
5. Tsuro (2004) 926
6. Blokus 3D (2003) 722
7. Chess (1475) 680
8. Qwirkle (2006) 609
9. SET (1988) 492
10. Ricochet Robots (1999) 481
1. Ingenious (2004) 1610
2. Hive (2001) 1560
3. Blokus (2000) 1328
4. Tsuro (2004) 950
5. FITS (2009) 807
6. Chess (1475) 710
7. Qwirkle (2006) 633
8. SET (1988) 523
9. Ricochet Robots (1999) 504
10. Blokus 3D (2003) 482
1. Hive (2001) 1742
2. Ingenious (2004) 1397
3. Qwirkle (2006) 1282
4. Blokus (2000) 1202
5. Tsuro (2004) 934
6. Chess (1475) 731
7. FITS (2009) 595
8. SET (1988) 576
9. Ricochet Robots (1999) 514
10. Cribbage (1630) 408
1. Hive (2001) 1824
2. Tsuro (2004) 1707
3. Ingenious (2004) 1363
4. Qwirkle (2006) 1308
5. Blokus (2000) 1214
6. Chess (1475) 752
7. SET (1988) 594
8. Ricochet Robots (1999) 564
9. FITS (2009) 428
10. Go (-2200) 390
1. Tsuro (2004) 2341
2. Hive (2001) 1983
3. Qwirkle (2006) 1381
4. Ingenious (2004) 1282
5. Blokus (2000) 1106
6. Chess (1475) 803
7. SET (1988) 674
8. Ricochet Robots (1999) 660
9. Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends (2013) 569
10. Qin (2012) 511
1. Tsuro (2004) 2764
2. Hive (2001) 2110
3. Qwirkle (2006) 1936
4. Ingenious (2004) 1331
5. Blokus (2000) 1163
6. Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends (2013) 1151
7. Chess (1475) 870
8. Coin Age (2013) 851
9. Ricochet Robots (1999) 738
10. SET (1988) 660
1. Patchwork (2014) 4637
2. Tsuro (2004) 2994
3. Qwirkle (2006) 2090
4. Hive (2001) 2004
5. Ingenious (2004) 1361
6. Blokus (2000) 1269
7. Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends (2013) 1082
8. Chess (1475) 974
9. The Duke (2013) 783
10. SET (1988) 737
1. Patchwork (2014) 9106
2. Tsuro (2004) 3266
3. Hive (2001) 2351
4. Qwirkle (2006) 2253
5. Onitama (2014) 2129
6. Blokus (2000) 1418
7. Ingenious (2004) 1406
8. Chess (1475) 1214
9. Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends (2013) 919
10. Santorini (2016) 878
1. Patchwork (2014) 9817
2. Santorini (2016) 7437
3. Azul (2017) 4705
4. Tsuro (2004) 3820
5. Onitama (2014) 3720
6. Hive (2001) 2468
7. Qwirkle (2006) 2354
8. Blokus (2000) 1636
9. Chess (1475) 1435
10. Ingenious (2004) 1385
1. Azul (2017) 20174
2. Patchwork (2014) 8838
3. Santorini (2016) 7291
4. Reef (2018) 4029
5. Onitama (2014) 3971
6. Tsuro (2004) 3617
7. Hive (2001) 2493
8. Qwirkle (2006) 2333
9. Chess (1475) 1637
10. Blokus (2000) 1587
1. Magic: The Gathering (1993) 136
2. Pirates of the Spanish Main (2004) 80
3. HeroClix (2002) 38
4. Call of Cthulhu: Collectible Card Game (2004) 28
5. Star Wars Miniatures (2004) 19
6. Legend of the Five Rings (1995) 17
7. The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game (2001) 16
8. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle (1994) 15
9. Vs. System (2004) 15
10. MLB SportsClix (2004) 14
1. Magic: The Gathering (1993) 256
2. Pirates of the Spanish Main (2004) 157
3. Anachronism (2005) 66
4. Star Wars Miniatures (2004) 56
5. Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures (2003) 46
6. HeroClix (2002) 45
7. Call of Cthulhu: Collectible Card Game (2004) 41
8. Clout Fantasy (2005) 39
9. ChiZo RISING (2005) 38
10. A Game of Thrones Collectible Card Game (2002) 30
1. Magic: The Gathering (1993) 361
2. Pirates of the Spanish Main (2004) 141
3. Dreamblade (2006) 125
4. Star Wars Miniatures (2004) 92
5. World of Warcraft Trading Card Game (2006) 64
6. Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures (2003) 60
7. HeroClix (2002) 60
8. Anachronism (2005) 55
9. Clout Fantasy (2005) 50
10. Star Wars Miniatures: Starship Battles (2006) 42
1. Magic: The Gathering (1993) 491
2. World of Warcraft Trading Card Game (2006) 144
3. Pirates of the Spanish Main (2004) 141
4. Dreamblade (2006) 129
5. Star Wars PocketModel TCG (2007) 81
6. Star Wars Miniatures (2004) 75
7. Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures (2003) 66
8. Netrunner (1996) 61
9. HeroClix (2002) 60
10. Call of Cthulhu: Collectible Card Game (2004) 46
1. Magic: The Gathering (1993) 620
2. Heroscape Master Set: Swarm of the Marro (2007) 124
3. World of Warcraft Trading Card Game (2006) 119
4. Monsterpocalypse (2008) 119
5. Star Wars Miniatures (2004) 94
6. Dreamblade (2006) 86
7. Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures (2003) 84
8. World of Warcraft Miniatures Game (2008) 78
9. Pirates of the Spanish Main (2004) 67
10. A Game of Thrones Collectible Card Game (2002) 67
1. Magic: The Gathering (1993) 865
2. Warhammer: Invasion (2009) 383
3. A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (2008) 261
4. Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game (2008) 232
5. Monsterpocalypse (2008) 171
6. Heroscape Master Set: Swarm of the Marro (2007) 111
7. World of Warcraft Miniatures Game (2008) 111
8. Netrunner (1996) 96
9. World of Warcraft Trading Card Game (2006) 95
10. Pok?mon Trading Card Game (1996) 90
1. Magic: The Gathering (1993) 948
2. Warhammer: Invasion (2009) 863
3. Summoner Wars (2009) 843
4. A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (2008) 299
5. Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game (2008) 249
6. Resident Evil Deck Building Game (2010) 138
7. Netrunner (1996) 114
8. Heroscape Master Set: Swarm of the Marro (2007) 102
9. Monsterpocalypse (2008) 101
10. World of Warcraft Trading Card Game (2006) 89
1. The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011) 2113
2. Magic: The Gathering (1993) 1193
3. Summoner Wars (2009) 787
4. Warhammer: Invasion (2009) 745
5. A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (2008) 688
6. Resident Evil Deck Building Game (2010) 397
7. Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game (2008) 299
8. Pok?mon Trading Card Game (1996) 124
9. Summoner Wars: Phoenix Elves vs Tundra Orcs (2009) 113
10. Netrunner (1996) 104
1. The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011) 1897
2. Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (2012) 1570
3. Android: Netrunner (2012) 1509
4. Magic: The Gathering (1993) 1241
5. A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (2008) 699
6. Summoner Wars (2009) 676
7. Warhammer: Invasion (2009) 491
8. Mage Wars Arena (2012) 356
9. Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game (2008) 288
10. Resident Evil Deck Building Game (2010) 211
1. Android: Netrunner (2012) 4122
2. Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (2012) 2989
3. The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011) 1867
4. Magic: The Gathering (1993) 1445
5. Star Wars: The Card Game (2012) 1356
6. Mage Wars Arena (2012) 1102
7. A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (2008) 602
8. Summoner Wars (2009) 506
9. Krosmaster: Arena (2012) 459
10. Warhammer: Invasion (2009) 410
1. Android: Netrunner (2012) 3454
2. Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (2012) 2934
3. The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011) 1938
4. Marvel Dice Masters: Avengers vs. X-Men (2014) 1814
5. Magic: The Gathering (1993) 1571
6. Mage Wars Arena (2012) 1001
7. Star Wars: The Card Game (2012) 802
8. Krosmaster: Arena (2012) 721
9. A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (2008) 530
10. Summoner Wars (2009) 521
1. Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (2012) 2768
2. Android: Netrunner (2012) 2706
3. The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011) 2071
4. Magic: The Gathering (1993) 1533
5. Marvel Dice Masters: Avengers vs. X-Men (2014) 1309
6. Epic Card Game (2015) 1165
7. Marvel Dice Masters: Uncanny X-Men (2014) 1032
8. Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn (2015) 745
9. Mage Wars Arena (2012) 654
10. Dungeons & Dragons Dice Masters: Battle for Faer?n (2015) 614
1. Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (2012) 2421
2. Android: Netrunner (2012) 2072
3. The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011) 2019
4. Arkham Horror: The Card Game (2016) 1848
5. Magic: The Gathering (1993) 1583
6. Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn (2015) 1421
7. Star Wars: Destiny (2016) 1011
8. Epic Card Game (2015) 991
9. A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (Second Edition) (2015) 934
10. Marvel Dice Masters: Avengers vs. X-Men (2014) 587
1. Arkham Horror: The Card Game (2016) 5733
2. Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (2012) 2045
3. Star Wars: Destiny (2016) 1942
4. Android: Netrunner (2012) 1893
5. The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011) 1750
6. Magic: The Gathering (1993) 1694
7. Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn (2015) 865
8. Epic Card Game (2015) 654
9. Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game (2017) 628
10. A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (Second Edition) (2015) 575
1. Arkham Horror: The Card Game (2016
2. KeyForge: Call of the Archons (2018
3. Magic: The Gathering (1993
4. The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011
5. Android: Netrunner (2012
6. Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (2012
7. Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire (2017
8. Star Wars: Destiny (2016
9. Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn (2015
10. Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game (2017
1. Memoir 44 (2004) 348
2. Wings of War: Famous Aces (2004) 158
3. Battle Cry (1999) 108
4. WarCraft: The Board Game (2003) 76
5. Hammer of the Scots (2002) 74
6. Risk 2210 A.D. (2001) 68
7. Axis & Allies: D-Day (2004) 55
8. Axis & Allies (1981) 53
9. Attack! (2003) 52
10. Axis & Allies (2004) 50
1. Memoir 44 (2004) 716
2. Wings of War: Famous Aces (2004) 250
3. Hammer of the Scots (2002) 136
4. Friedrich (2004) 132
5. Conquest of the Empire (2005) 125
6. Battle Cry (1999) 113
7. Axis & Allies (2004) 102
8. Risk 2210 A.D. (2001) 90
9. Bonaparte at Marengo (2005) 82
10. Axis & Allies (1981) 77
1. Memoir 44 (2004) 1105
2. BattleLore (2006) 573
3. Commands & Colors: Ancients (2006) 559
4. Wings of War: Famous Aces (2004) 271
5. Hammer of the Scots (2002) 228
6. Conquest of the Empire (2005) 188
7. Britannia (1986) 183
8. Friedrich (2004) 167
9. Axis & Allies (2004) 158
10. Bonaparte at Marengo (2005) 152
1. BattleLore (2006) 1541
2. Memoir 44 (2004) 1030
3. Commands & Colors: Ancients (2006) 508
4. Combat Commander: Europe (2006) 502
5. Wings of War: Famous Aces (2004) 471
6. Tide of Iron (2007) 465
7. Hammer of the Scots (2002) 274
8. Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage (1996) 261
9. Conquest of the Empire (2005) 204
10. Axis & Allies (2004) 203
1. Memoir 44 (2004) 1158
2. BattleLore (2006) 904
3. Commands & Colors: Ancients (2006) 681
4. Manoeuvre (2008) 531
5. Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage (1996) 526
6. Combat Commander: Europe (2006) 496
7. Wings of War: Famous Aces (2004) 457
8. Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear! – Russia 1941-42 (2008) 455
9. Tide of Iron (2007) 398
10. Hammer of the Scots (2002) 313
1. Memoir 44 (2004) 1473
2. BattleLore (2006) 901
3. Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear! – Russia 1941-42 (2008) 710
4. Commands & Colors: Ancients (2006) 700
5. Wings of War: Famous Aces (2004) 493
6. Combat Commander: Europe (2006) 491
7. Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage (1996) 374
8. 2 de Mayo (2008) 369
9. Manoeuvre (2008) 347
10. Tide of Iron (2007) 311
1. Memoir 44 (2004) 1510
2. BattleLore (2006) 722
3. Commands & Colors: Ancients (2006) 709
4. Combat Commander: Europe (2006) 482
5. Washingtons War (2010) 482
6. Wings of War: Famous Aces (2004) 416
7. Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear! – Russia 1941-42 (2008) 367
8. Pocket Battles: Celts vs. Romans (2009) 316
9. Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage (1996) 305
10. 2 de Mayo (2008) 302
1. Memoir 44 (2004) 1621
2. Commands & Colors: Ancients (2006) 654
3. Labyrinth: The War on Terror, 2001 – ? (2010) 625
4. Combat Commander: Europe (2006) 536
5. BattleLore (2006) 511
6. Here I Stand (2006) 394
7. Space Empires: 4X (2011) 382
8. Commands & Colors: Napoleonics (2010) 367
9. Wings of War: Famous Aces (2004) 340
10. Washingtons War (2010) 337
1. Memoir 44 (2004) 1578
2. 1812: The Invasion of Canada (2012) 739
3. Commands & Colors: Ancients (2006) 619
4. Combat Commander: Europe (2006) 501
5. Labyrinth: The War on Terror, 2001 – ? (2010) 411
6. BattleLore (2006) 391
7. Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan (2011) 386
8. Space Empires: 4X (2011) 382
9. Here I Stand (2006) 355
10. Andean Abyss (2012) 329
1. Memoir 44 (2004) 1435
2. Commands & Colors: Ancients (2006) 554
3. Combat Commander: Europe (2006) 472
4. 1812: The Invasion of Canada (2012) 463
5. Andean Abyss (2012) 404
6. Space Empires: 4X (2011) 336
7. 1775: Rebellion (2013) 335
8. Labyrinth: The War on Terror, 2001 – ? (2010) 334
9. BattleLore (2006) 307
10. Star Trek: Attack Wing (2013) 272
1. Memoir 44 (2004) 1623
2. 1775: Rebellion (2013) 777
3. BattleLore (Second Edition) (2013) 747
4. Commands & Colors: Ancients (2006) 524
5. Cuba Libre (2013) 512
6. Star Trek: Attack Wing (2013) 439
7. Combat Commander: Europe (2006) 432
8. Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan (2011) 398
9. Labyrinth: The War on Terror, 2001 – ? (2010) 328
10. Sails of Glory (2013) 323
1. Memoir 44 (2004) 1689
2. Star Wars: Armada (2015) 927
3. Quartermaster General (2014) 786
4. BattleLore (Second Edition) (2013) 779
5. 1775: Rebellion (2013) 669
6. Churchill (2015) 585
7. Commands & Colors: Ancients (2006) 542
8. Fire in the Lake (2014) 536
9. Combat Commander: Europe (2006) 500
10. Heroes of Normandie (2014) 342
1. Memoir 44 (2004) 1790
2. Quartermaster General (2014) 771
3. Star Wars: Armada (2015) 730
4. BattleLore (Second Edition) (2013) 715
5. 1775: Rebellion (2013) 613
6. Churchill (2015) 553
7. Commands & Colors: Ancients (2006) 519
8. Combat Commander: Europe (2006) 450
9. Liberty or Death: The American Insurrection (2016) 426
10. Cuba Libre (2013) 414
1. Memoir 44 (2004) 1841
2. BattleLore (Second Edition) (2013) 707
3. Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan (2011) 667
4. 1775: Rebellion (2013) 637
5. Time of Crisis: The Roman Empire in Turmoil, 235-284 AD (2017) 592
6. Quartermaster General (2014) 555
7. Star Wars: Armada (2015) 515
8. 878 Vikings: Invasions of England (2017) 491
9. Triumph & Tragedy (2015) 463
10. Commands & Colors: Ancients (2006) 454
1. Root (2018) 4346
2. Memoir 44 (2004) 1914
3. 878 Vikings: Invasions of England (2017) 981
4. GKR: Heavy Hitters (2018) 616
5. Time of Crisis: The Roman Empire in Turmoil, 235-284 AD (2017) 593
6. Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan (2011) 588
7. BattleLore (Second Edition) (2013) 529
8. 1775: Rebellion (2013) 494
9. Quartermaster General (2014) 459
10. Commands & Colors: Ancients (2006) 407
1. Gulo Gulo (2003) 58
2. Igloo Pop (2003) 50
3. Loopin Louie (1992) 48
4. Nobody but Us Chickens (2003) 40
5. Escape from the Hidden Castle (1989) 39
6. Galloping Pigs (1992) 38
7. Gold Digger (1990) 38
8. Chicken Cha Cha Cha (1997) 36
9. Blink (1995) 29
10. Pig Pile (2001) 27
1. Gulo Gulo (2003) 137
2. Blokus Duo (2005) 122
3. Loopin Louie (1992) 99
4. Igloo Pop (2003) 77
5. Chicken Cha Cha Cha (1997) 66
6. Blink (1995) 60
7. Escape from the Hidden Castle (1989) 58
8. Attacktix Battle Figure Game: Star Wars (2005) 58
9. Galloping Pigs (1992) 54
10. Ice Cream (2005) 54
1. Gulo Gulo (2003) 311
2. Loopin Louie (1992) 304
3. Blokus Duo (2005) 297
4. Nacht der Magier (2005) 162
5. Igloo Pop (2003) 123
6. Escape from the Hidden Castle (1989) 115
7. Chicken Cha Cha Cha (1997) 108
8. Rat-a-Tat Cat (1995) 103
9. Blink (1995) 100
10. Snorta! (2004) 97
1. Loopin Louie (1992) 535
2. Gulo Gulo (2003) 426
3. Blokus Duo (2005) 389
4. Ch?teau Roquefort (2007) 220
5. Animal Upon Animal (2005) 168
6. Nacht der Magier (2005) 163
7. PitchCar Mini (2003) 160
8. Chicken Cha Cha Cha (1997) 151
9. Blink (1995) 149
10. Escape from the Hidden Castle (1989) 146
1. Loopin Louie (1992) 600
2. Gulo Gulo (2003) 488
3. Blokus Duo (2005) 436
4. Sorry! Sliders (2008) 427
5. Ch?teau Roquefort (2007) 397
6. RattleSnake (2007) 370
7. Animal Upon Animal (2005) 296
8. Chicken Cha Cha Cha (1997) 207
9. PitchCar Mini (2003) 191
10. Cheeky Monkey (2007) 182
1. Sorry! Sliders (2008) 968
2. Loopin Louie (1992) 572
3. Gulo Gulo (2003) 536
4. Blokus Duo (2005) 489
5. Animal Upon Animal (2005) 439
6. Ch?teau Roquefort (2007) 376
7. RattleSnake (2007) 304
8. PitchCar Mini (2003) 263
9. Chicken Cha Cha Cha (1997) 255
10. Rat-a-Tat Cat (1995) 207
1. Sorry! Sliders (2008) 765
2. Loopin Louie (1992) 572
3. Blokus Duo (2005) 517
4. Gulo Gulo (2003) 436
5. Animal Upon Animal (2005) 432
6. Ch?teau Roquefort (2007) 347
7. The Magic Labyrinth (2009) 341
8. My First Carcassonne (2009) 293
9. Chicken Cha Cha Cha (1997) 256
10. RattleSnake (2007) 242
1. Loopin Louie (1992) 656
2. Sorry! Sliders (2008) 543
3. Animal Upon Animal (2005) 519
4. The Magic Labyrinth (2009) 462
5. Blokus Duo (2005) 437
6. Gulo Gulo (2003) 364
7. My First Carcassonne (2009) 310
8. Ch?teau Roquefort (2007) 268
9. Chicken Cha Cha Cha (1997) 253
10. RattleSnake (2007) 239
1. Loopin Louie (1992) 897
2. Animal Upon Animal (2005) 575
3. Sorry! Sliders (2008) 475
4. Blokus Duo (2005) 409
5. The Magic Labyrinth (2009) 400
6. Gulo Gulo (2003) 338
7. My First Carcassonne (2009) 323
8. Ch?teau Roquefort (2007) 253
9. Chicken Cha Cha Cha (1997) 228
10. Ribbit (2004) 224
1. Loopin Louie (1992) 1125
2. Animal Upon Animal (2005) 580
3. Blokus Duo (2005) 392
4. Sorry! Sliders (2008) 383
5. The Magic Labyrinth (2009) 368
6. Chicken Cha Cha Cha (1997) 307
7. My First Carcassonne (2009) 282
8. Gulo Gulo (2003) 271
9. Tales & Games: The Three Little Pigs (2013) 269
10. Rorys Story Cubes (2005) 262
1. Loopin Louie (1992) 1086
2. Animal Upon Animal (2005) 689
3. The Magic Labyrinth (2009) 476
4. Tales & Games: The Three Little Pigs (2013) 451
5. Bugs in the Kitchen (2013) 411
6. My First Carcassonne (2009) 386
7. Sorry! Sliders (2008) 344
8. Blokus Duo (2005) 316
9. Cube Quest (2013) 307
10. Chicken Cha Cha Cha (1997) 276
1. Animal Upon Animal (2005) 1188
2. Loopin Louie (1992) 1150
3. The Magic Labyrinth (2009) 519
4. My First Carcassonne (2009) 471
5. Loopin Chewie (2015) 434
6. Tales & Games: The Three Little Pigs (2013) 428
7. Cube Quest (2013) 372
8. Diamonsters (2013) 372
9. Doodle Quest (2014) 347
10. Sorry! Sliders (2008) 342
1. Animal Upon Animal (2005) 1371
2. Loopin Louie (1992) 968
3. Loopin Chewie (2015) 765
4. The Magic Labyrinth (2009) 598
5. My First Carcassonne (2009) 477
6. Cat Tower (2015) 460
7. Sleeping Queens (2005) 445
8. Cube Quest (2013) 418
9. Monza (2000) 402
10. Spinderella (2015) 397
1. Animal Upon Animal (2005) 1438
2. Loopin Louie (1992) 795
3. The Magic Labyrinth (2009) 778
4. My First Stone Age (2016) 645
5. My First Carcassonne (2009) 565
6. Sleeping Queens (2005) 557
7. Go Cuckoo! (2016) 554
8. Ticket to Ride: First Journey (U.S.) (2016) 546
9. Okey Dokey (2016) 527
10. Loopin Chewie (2015) 520
1. Animal Upon Animal (2005) 1380
2. The Magic Labyrinth (2009) 802
3. Loopin Louie (1992) 795
4. Outfoxed! (2014) 701
5. Sleeping Queens (2005) 668
6. My First Stone Age (2016) 665
7. My First Carcassonne (2009) 661
8. Ticket to Ride: First Journey (U.S.) (2016) 521
9. Monza (2000) 509
10. Dragons Breath (2017) 476
Предыдущие выпуски:
18XX (семейство)
Vincent Dutrait (художник)
Klemens Franz (художник)
Gen Con 2018 (выставка)
Reiner Knizia (автор)
Vital Lacerda (автор)
Dennis Lohausen (художник)
Lost Cities (семейство)
Uwe Rosenberg (автор)
Phil Walker-Harding (автор)
Splotter Spellen (издательство)
Wolfgang Warsch (автор)
База настольных игр
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Много игроков
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Март 2019
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А как Blokus Duo вдруг попал в категорию детских игр???
Грандиозная работа, спасибо!
Я принимаю решение о покупке какой-либо игры спустя 2-3 года после её выхода во многом на основании рейтингов по этой методике.
Очень интересный рейтинг, спасибо!
2018 год
1. Root (2018) 4346
2. Memoir 44 (2004) 1914
А на картинке Memoir 44 на 1-ом месте. Ошибка?
Грандиозная работа! Спасибо!
С типами игр постоянно случаются проблемы. Я ориентируюсь на результаты голосования пользователей БГГ. Root сначала большинство считали военной игрой, но в итоге те, кто голосовал за то, что игра стратегическая, сейчас выигрывают. А вообще военные игры часто со временем переходят в стратегические — говорить, что ты увлекаешься несерьёзной (военной) игрой, как-то стыдно, а стратегией — это звучит солидно.
С детскими играми ситуация ещё запутаннее. Если пользователи голосуют, что игра рекомендуется для возраста 5+, то почему бы мне не считать её детской? Однако практически все детские игры, которые становятся популярными, непременно переходят в другие категории — в семейные или абстрактные. Пользователям и в этом случае стыдно признаваться, что они любят играть в детскую игру, вот и голосуют, что никакая она не детская 🙂
Поэтому, хотя данные о числе игроков у игр остаются постоянными, при перемещении в другую игровую категорию одна и та же игра может занять совсем другое место — например, среди стратегий конкуренция самая жестокая. Картинки делались на несколько месяцев позже, чем списки игр, и некоторые игры за это время мигрировали — вот причина возникающих противоречий. Главное — это что все игры, попавшие в десятки лучших в своих категориях, заслуживают внимания игроков. Это, можно сказать, настольноигровые сливки. В моём списке они все отмечены полоской из 8 видов игр.