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Сообщения - lemdavefn

Does anyone have images for the newly-released Treasure Pack?
Цитата: Koralis от 06 ноября 2023, 05:41:35
Any chance for Marine worlds expansion?
If I can find the files I could do it pnp  8)

BGG page actually has it.

Cards: https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/258642/cards
New enclosures: https://boardgamegeek.com/image/7028483/ark-nova-marine-worlds

Not sure if there are updates though, and there might still be missing components.
I was able to get the road tile scans from the official app, and organize the scans by base game and expansions in the below link.


Thanks for the upload! Can you also upload the road tiles? Especially for the expansion. Also, what is the distribution of the dies? Especially for the Fire FX die.
Hi, is this still available? Can you reupload?
Цитата: nord_0 от 04 января 2023, 21:31:43
Есть у кого-то сканы колод автомы (Элизабет)?

Цитата: lemdavefn от 14 сентября 2023, 06:53:37
Does anyone have scans for the Elizabeth automa deck? The one compatible with expansions.

Seems like no one has a copy, thus, I made a guide (1 tarot card) that can be used with Leopold Deck (https://tesera.ru/images/items/1970606/%D0%9A%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B0%20%D0%9B%D0%B5%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B4%D0%B0.pdf) or Mautoma Deck http://www.mautoma.com/grand-austria-hotel to align with Elizabeth Deck (Expansion-compatible). Unless stated, these icons are added in the respective card nos.

Does anyone have scans for the Elizabeth automa deck? The one compatible with expansions.
Hi all, anyone have the automa cards for Grand Austria Hotel? I need the Elizabeth deck, the one compatible with expansions.
Цитата: asern от 15 июля 2020, 09:51:45
Here are the scans for Camel Up 2nd Edition


Hi asern, can you provide us the scans for Camel Up 2nd Edition? The dropbox link you provided is already expired.
Can anyone upload the link for Oceania expansion? Seems like it's the only one missing in the PNP folder provided.
Can anyone reupload the files? The link is dead.
Цитата: asaranac от 11 апреля 2023, 14:09:47
If someone has front and back of the sheet, please upload.

Everything else is available.

Solo sheet especially is impossible to get, if someone can supply that, I can do everything else.

I bought the game, and took a picture of the sheets for your perusal. Link below:

Up as well. Seems like this has now gone on retail. Hope someone can upload files.
Hi, can I request for a PNP of the expansion as well? The mega link above has already expired.
Цитата: Космическая Ветчина от 23 августа 2022, 14:17:58
Now I need help with all the technical text I made in the event cards (orange and black). This is not only the text from the original cards, but also additional text that duplicates and clarifies the icons (in the right column). I will gradually bring all the text into excel. If convenient, we can transfer this work (which, by the way, is not much) to telegram

It's cool if all the text is corrected and cleared by a native speaker, and not by me, where I will make a lot of mistakes

Example of long, clarifying text and icons in the right column (orange card, which in my edition are brown)

Google doc:

I understand you are still updating the Google document which needs proofreading right? Will all the cards have them? The last time I opened it, it was 4, now it was 46, I think. I'll help you slowly on that. 
Цитата: Космическая Ветчина от 18 августа 2022, 18:46:53
There is no need to rush.
I will also prepare an excel, in which I will write all the "new" texts of event cards, for verification and correction

Please see excel file in this https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GXLwGkLox27b3e7jBJ0tPPFgQRwNOZPV/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=117195446615840024487&rtpof=true&sd=true. I have proofread it once, but I might still miss some. Blank text in "Historical Text" column means there is no flavor text in the actual card. Let me know if you are able to access, and if this should be fine for you.
Цитата: Космическая Ветчина от 18 августа 2022, 15:26:52
Just all text in any format so I can copy, doc, txt, etc.

Post Merge: 18 августа 2022, 15:27:52
Это художка, я пыхтел над ренессансом, а его толком никто и не читает. Мне кажется мы тратим время туда, куда не нужно, если честно. ::)

Okay. I'm halfway there, I have typed the flavor texts of 105 cards so far in an Excel file. I might be able to give it to you over the weekend once I'm done with typing and proofreading.
Цитата: Космическая Ветчина от 18 августа 2022, 09:41:58
I can make an English version, but I need all the all historical text, because it is of bad quality (scans), it can only be manually re-written. If you help me with the text, I can make an English version. I need all the text that I would copy and paste into the cards. Plus, I need proofreading and editing of all the text that I entered into the event cards (brown and black).

Tarckus, вот превью. Я его ещё раз пересмотрел в распечатанном виде, на экране телефона, сравнил с размером памировского исторического. Он проходит контроль и читаем. А печатная смотрится гораздо хуже. Плюс сильно страдает стиллистика, т.к. идёт слом идеи "винтажных открыток" на которых чем более шрифт рукописный- тем тематичнее. Печатная вообще не в тему.
Пример, попробуйте тоже проверить: https://disk.yandex.ru/i/xpa_l-j0nJ5nAA

I can help you with the English text. What will you need? I can start with typing all the historical text from the cards. I have a file with all the effects in English in tabular form.
Will you releasing it in English as well? Can't wait for your redesign!
Does anyone have an English version of the two expansions? I have the English one for the base game only.