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Сообщения - Sanjob

Цитата: Yomi от 13 февраля 2017, 18:28:11
If you don´t mind a spanish version, I can scan ir for you
He wants the spanish version, i know ;D
Цитата: morris от 17 июля 2016, 11:28:03
Цитата: Sanjob от 16 июля 2016, 15:58:32
It would be great, if somebody has 3D files for printers
I'll post them later, when i'll have time.
Thanks a lot!
It would be great, if somebody has 3D files for printers
Цитата: Panfivan от 12 июня 2016, 21:49:52
Цитата: Sanjob от 12 июня 2016, 21:35:47
Panfivan, two questions... How are they separate?...What cards are in each box?
Thanks a lot.
It is easy to separate cards. Expansions have expansion name on card face (bottom right corner). Cards back (located on last scan) is the same for each card.
Thanks a lot!
Panfivan, two questions... How are they separate?...What cards are in each box?
Thanks a lot.
Цитата: Vovang от 06 апреля 2016, 13:04:10
Планируем с паном z0z1ch сделать Champions of Midgard.


Excuse me. Where can i find the counters and the rest of components, please?
Does it possible to have in english, please?
Today there are a lot of expansions... I dont think to made it will be the best solitaire option... :-\
is possible to have this in english?
Цитата: dilnok от 31 декабря 2015, 18:25:30
Этот вопрос меня вводит в ступор. Зачем на английском, проще ведь купить? Я бы и сам купил, но мои друзья не дружат с английским даже на уровне простого текста, только поэтому и сделал.

For? English version is easier to buy.
Not in all countries... :(
Is it possible to have in english, please?
Here you have an alternative playmat presented at Gen Con

Maybe it´s right to play. Only changes the picture font.
Цитата: tikitavy от 28 декабря 2015, 09:28:09
Цитата: eman13088 от 28 декабря 2015, 09:03:11what is the difference ?
Difference on mirror? None.. :) Its a copy, nothing more..
Thanks for do the mirror.
Anyway, these files are shared on Star Realms web